One of the most uniquely beautiful art styles I've ever experienced in a game, that is only elevated by the deeply introspective/emotional storytelling and the chills inducing soundtrack. The gravity shifting gameplay ties it all perfectly making you feel like a superhero. The biggest problem with GR2 lies with the motion controls, that get a bit in the way of fully being in control of your character from time to time, specially in more intense fights with lots of enemies. Still, it's not a huge issue.

Great game. Wishing for a sequel!

So, I want to start by saying I never played RE3: Nemesis.
I know that a lot of content was cut in this remake, but without reference to the original I really enjoyed this.
It's a concise, fun and captivating experience that balances horror survival and action very well. It's a small game (around 6 hours), but nowadays, with less and less time to game, that's a win in my book.
Wouldn't say this is worth full price as a triple A game, but anything under 20€ I think it's well worth the money.
-Played on Steam Deck-

God of War Ragnarök is by all means a fantastic game and a fitting sequel. The story is its shiniest feature by far with gameplay being familiar to that settled by its predecessor. It does fall a bit short when it comes to exploration and freedom of movement, feeling like all interactions with the world are locked behind a button prompt or a squeeze through. The companions in Ragnarök are charming while discussing lore and story beats, yet they do get frustratingly annoying when spoiling the solution to every puzzle the player needs to solve.
Near the end, the story arc does feel a tad rushed, having its fair share of deus ex-machina moments and unsatisfying climaxes. Nevertheless, the fighting mechanics, fantastic chemistry between father/son and the awe-striking musical score make up for these short-fallings, turning it into a must play for this and all generations.

Resident Evil 4 Remake hits the mark on all things that made the original special and elevates it to a tone that in my opinion better fits the franchise. While hearing Leon's one liners was undoubtedly entertaining in the '04 OG, the whole action hero cheesy schtick works best when used on other Capcom franchises like Dead Rising and DMC. Resident Evil shines when it portrays itself as a horror game rather than an action one, even if there's plenty of action to go around.
This remake is definitely worth a play whether you played the original or you're experience the fantastic RE4 for the first time.

First time ever finishing a Pokémon game. The gameplay loop is super fun, but the dialogue often extends itself too much. Specially Lillie.
She'll spend 5 minutes of dialogue skipping saying the same thing in different ways.

New Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo DS delivers strongly on its premise of a revamped 2D Mario on the go.

It's fun, visually appealing and the controls are responsive.
However, after playing all of the New Super Mario Bros. games that came after this, this first instalment feels specially outdated. Which was expected, but since I love the series so much and this was the only one I hadn't played yet, my expectations were unrealistically high.

So this feeling of being underdelivered reflects more upon my assumptions about the game rather than it's quality.

Overall fun experience with a few frustrating levels. Just wish I could have used the giant power-up more often!

Mario 64 has a lot of soul and playing it takes me back to my childhood, even though I never owned a N64. Unfortunately, the camera controls make for a very frustrating experience, that often times made me want to stop playing.
Also, having to exit a painting every time I got a star didn't feel great.
Still, for a 27 year old game, Mario 64 holds up very well and is still able to provide many hours of fun.

Replayed it playing as Claire. Worth it for the true ending. Again, great game.

Giving it an exaggerated rating but I just find this game really fun.

This review contains spoilers

Wtf is this ending. Actual fever dream.

Could have been perfect if not for the copious amounts of backtracking and the very unreliable motion controls. The alternate controller scheme is equally as frustrating, attacking with the joystick works as well as you'd expect.
Still, very engaging story, gorgeous set pieces and music. The gameplay, when it works, is also compelling.
Good game overall, but so far it's my least favorite Zelda entry.

Replaying RE2 after finishing the RE3 remake and... wow. Liked it a lot more than I remembered. Engaging action, spooky survival horror, interesting puzzles and a well-written narrative. What more can you ask for?
Thinking of playing again for Claire's POV, even though I played it already when this first came out. Still, probably has more impact if I play both runs back to back.