Best tps and looter shooter i ever played

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O jogo do sexo, inimigo da tristeza e da infelicidade. Gigante, veiudo, esfolador da concorrência. O real goty de 2011, level design destruidor, humilha geral, Solaire pica, Gwyn pica, Sif pica, tudo pica, zero defeitos, frame drop é feature proposital, vc que não entendeu, otário. Se não gostou do jogo jogou errado, equipe o cérebro no próximo playthrough. Toda e qualquer crítica é completamente auto refutada por que o jogo é perfeito, mestre Miyazaki mandou bem demais, deus mito maravilhoso, criou o único goty.

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Silent Hill is an almost perfect game. The game compensates the lack of fun in comparison with Resident Evil trillogy with a perfect setting, atmosfere and intrigating story. Its terrifying like no other RE will be, the scare moments are natural. You fell lost in the puzzles, and solving them is quite gratificating, and the path of the story is very confuse and you have to think a little to fulfill the holes in it. Btw the best ending is behind 2 things. 1st: Take that bottle, and fill with the red liquid. 2nd: Explore the city after the sewers, do the side quests in there. Thank me for the help later

Me sinto como um genuíno soldado do futuro, fazendo umas spec ops em lugares aleatórios ao redor do mundo enquanto brinco de usar minha manta de invisibilidade parcial pra dar sinc headshot em otários ao som de alguma ost genérica/apropriada/nula, pra depois passar a enfrentar outros macacos brincando de invisibilidade e ter o cu comido por certas sessões muito bem planejadas no hardcore.
Jogo divertido, gameplay muito decente e uma IA as vezes pau no cu, as vezes funcional. Só queria mais partes com certos brinquedos que aparecem muito pouco, tipo o bot dos mísseis.

Sigma male pirate grindseting his way to be very rich and killing templars just for fun, making a ship very cool and beeing the new king of sea.

Driver is extremly repetitive, a bit hard to "dRiVe", had a trash car HP system and one of the worst police car AI in the world. Then, the game gives you a magnificent ending, that you need to escape the police full star, with dozes of cars in your way and hitting you everytime they can, turning almost impossible to beat, even with cheats you can get a game over, so, i never wanna see this shit again in my life.

one of the best side-scroller platforming retro games of all time. the progression that reminds a metroidvania, the excellent level design and awesome challenge the game put you into are a perfect mix and show how to make a real difficult game.

I feel this game is a frustating tentative to make you remember a classic Imm Sim. In other hand we have Bioshock, that are simple like Dishonored but really leads you to experiment your powers, and variate then, putting enemies and situations that only can be solved with a certain approach, and other are free to you to make your way. Here i feel like "just use the strongest power, or kill the entire base stealthy with the crossbow", that sometimes is difficult but i never got engaged in variating my approach. There is a lot of lore in Dishonored, but you get to a point you just ignore them because is so many books, papers, notes and it not worth your time reading and finding shit. This makes you feel that the world is kinda empty, because despite papers, books and upgrade itens that are marked in your screen with that strange heart item, theres nothing to see in that steampunk beautiful cringe dystopia. I even tryed give it another chance, but that game doesnt work for me, sadly.

Good visuals, better than RE1 because it lauch after him, good sound design, good gameplay, some good ideas, other fucking bad ideas, a mix of monsters that i dont wanna fight, in situations that make me wanna die, and a final boss on Hard Mode that can get you softlocked because holyshit that shit has 3 phases and you need to waste your ammo in him. Level design is sometimes good, sometimes awful, and that limited inventory with the 2 folks leads you to depression sometimes. Dealing with resource shortages is still good, but RE0 made it a little tiring. This shit also come with a terrible minigame who is necessary to get the infinite magnum, that is a fucking waste of your time, dont do it.

Souls-Like médio, nada necessariamente especial, mas engajador a partir da curiosidade em explorar os templos e sua floresta inicial confusa.
Também é meio travado de início mas depois do costume a gameplay se torna bastante prazerosa, lembrando um Demons Souls um pouco mais capado, e violento. IA deixa a desejar com a repetição de ataques, isso é cientemente bem mascarado com o genial posicionamento de inimigos e um level design meio louco de labirinto.
As boss fights são fáceis, os padrões se repetem demais e são sem complicação, o real desafio tá na paciência do jogador em lidar com o HP enorme dos chefes e stamina managment.
Btw é uma experiência daora e curta, vale a jogada.

The best recent RE game, one of the most fun FPS games i ever played, problably the best choice of Capcom was maintain this kind of gameplay, and mix with RE4 logic. Congratulations, Capcom made fun again

Its like Hotline Miami, but easier, because you have a lot of power. Btw at the end you face some nice difficult sections. Nice story and a bit more clear 'n less confuse than Hotline Miami.

Its a good game, with some cringe linear corridors here and there, and a lack of a storyline that i really care about like other pkmn games, but its nice to see Nintendo put me hours in front of a "ok" game without want to turn off the Switch, in a world that even better games i cant play for more than 4 hours a day.

Glad to see Hidetaka Miyzaki making a different setting in every new IP. But, he always come back with that unique lonely, hopeless, melancholy feeling, that turns the atmosphere of the games so deep, and so dark with the destiny of the side characters in the quests you do, or with the main progression. Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare that come to kick your ass, and made you feel sad. One of the best games, the best PS4 game.