It is what it is: a half-size, half-baked sequel to Far Cry 5 that improves upon the original in some ways and shites all over it in others.

It was nice to revisit locations and catch up with characters from the previous game but there's really not much of a reason to play this if you didn't have a great time with Far Cry 5.

It's not terrible, but it's not terrific either. A few tidying of loose-ends aside, you don't really need to play this after finishing Far Cry 5 but if you're hungry for more and if you can get this game somewhere cheap, then maybe have a look.

Otherwise, probably best to give this one a miss.

Fuckin' hell. I did not expect this to be as fantastic as it is. The world, the characters, the missions... everything is just top-notch murderfun.

It's great to see a franchise actually evolve somewhat by tweaking the shitty stuff and maxing-out the cool stuff. So nice to see what Ubisoft did with this. Awesome work.

Also, there's a bear called Cheeseburger in it. You get to give him a wee pat on the head. And make him eat people.

I love videogames.

I never got on with Far Cry. First one was useless, second one still gives me panic attacks just thinking about it and the third one was just plain obnoxious. Primal, however, is class.

I thought I'd give Far Cry 4 a go seeing as it was on PS Plus and right from the start it got its high-altitude, hairy yak hooks right into me.

Beautiful scenery? Yep. Daft villains? Oh, yeah. Fun stealth and generally enjoyable slaughter? Yes, yes. Flamethrowers? GOD, yes. Riding elephants into battle? Better believe it, buster.

I love it when you have zero expectations from a game and it ends up surprising and delighting you. It makes up for the frequent, crushing disappointment one regularly feels and gets used to when playing videogames. Man, when things just work it's brilliant.

Maybe I get on with Far Cry now. Maybe I should give Far Cry 3 another go. Maybe I should try the fifth and sixth ones. Maybe, maybe. I dunno.

But Far Cry 2 can still fuck off, though.

Big lady. Wee scares.

Not as good as 7 and nowhere near as good as 4. It was alright.

Weird. Oppressive. Unexpected. Nauseating.


I didn't really have many expectations going in as I was fairly indifferent to the original game but this just blew me away. The Evil Within 2 gets the balance right between atmosphere, spooky bits, exploration and ramming a knife into the heads of bastards. Great stuff.

Sebastian is your typical boring videogame protagonist who says "What the..." and "Huh?" a lot but I warmed to the big fella and was rooting for him the whole way. I really wanted him to find (SPOILER) and so I ended up finding myself actually caring about the story and characters in a daft horror game. It even has a genuinely touching and emotional ending.

The Evil Within 2 came as a complete surprise and now I'm left wondering why on Earth I hadn't got around to playing it before. This game really is a lovely, tingly wee treat.

One of the most unique and amazing RPGs I've ever played. It's extraordinary. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an epic, but at times intimate and personal story with bags of humour. It's also very refreshing to play an RPG that's grounded in a bit more reality than the usual thing you get. Just really, really good stuff.

It's not Dark Souls. It's not Bloodborne. It's a pretty cool action RPG in which you play as a chunky beardy fella smashin' fuck out of stuff with big hammers.

Also, it only lasts about 22 hours so it's not bloody Elden Ring either.

MAIN REVIEW: Better than Dark Souls 2 but not as good as Bloodborne.

BONUS REVIEW: You get to interfere with a tree's fanny. 4/5

Bloodborne is vile, disgusting and totally STINKING. Putrid filth and dirty shenanigans all over the place.

My God, it's lovely.

Also, it's got giant birds with the head of a dog, giant dogs with the head of a bird and an interactive pig's arse.

Bloodborne is fuckin' art.

Not bad as far as these games go. Some silly puzzles, but overall daft fun.

I really don't know about this one. I kind of had a good time with this game, but I don't know if I enjoyed it. There was sometimes too much fiddly stuff to do, but sometimes there was nothing to do. It was thrilling and it was boring. It was relaxing but also infuriating. It was amazing and it was dogshit.

I really don't know. It was kinda ok but then at the end it went HANG ON A MINUTE I SUPPOSE I SHOULD BE A VIDEOGAME NOW and gave me fail states for the first time, resulting in me playing the exciting climatic bit five fuckin' times and turning the coolest part of the game into an annoying pain in the arse until I realised what I had to do. Well done, team.

Ach, I dunno. Maybe I'm in a grumpy mood or something but I was expecting to have a better time with this game than I did. This could have been magic but instead it was Could It Be Magic by Take That.

Nobody wants that, mate. Even Take That.

155 hours. That's how much of my life I've put into Assassin's Creed Valhalla and I still haven't seen end credits. I've finished the main story and completed the HUNDREDS of side quests and all of the other activities and this bloody thing still won't END.

It's a good game, don't get me wrong. I've enjoyed my time with it, it's just that there's so bloody MUCH of it. Ubisoft have made a game that's four times the size a game like this should be and absolutely nobody asked them to do it. They could have released a 40 hour cracker and AC fans and non-fans would've lapped it up. Instead, they spent so much money and so much effort to make a big hairy wank of a thing that nobody really needs. I spent a year playing this. A year, mate. Wind yer neck in, Ubisoft.

Probably one of the most stressful games I've ever played but by jiminy slicing the heads and legs aff dead people with a garden sickle is fuckin' TASTY.