The best Assassins creed game because it just isn't one.

Bad story. Bad characters. Written by THE David cage.

God I would give up my left nut to go back to the time this came out.

You can do a lot of small unfun things.

But on the other hand you can do A TON of fun things.

fun party game, shit community

definitely a borderlands game, just a bad story, they spent the entire budget on Adele

Very very very very fun and good story. The gameplay gets samey after a while. Good references. Pizza time

I was obsessed with this game when it came out. DLC doesn't interest me tho. My favorite doom game

My favorite game of all time for a long time cannot believe how I fall in love with this game every time I play it

I dont need to say anything about this game besides I wish I liked single player more and my friends didn't give on a server after 2 weeks

Game was very fun and still can be very fun. Only 2 good maps tho :/