great game

wonderful voice acting, perfectly off-putting close-up art, dreadful music, perfect length

i guess i'm also kind of a sucker for victorian horror, too

great game!!!

i got this game on or near launch and played a ton of it but never finished all the achievements

picked it back up recently and hey nice a lot of new content! also the achievements are harder to get now oops

anyway good game i like farming and all that shit in video games so hey!

falls into the category of "psychedelic click em up", nothing too special going on here mechanics wise but it's fun to watch all the little cartoon bits and bobs interact with each other

so it's supposed to take place in (or at least start in) new york but wow there's a lot of non american accents... or am i wrong about it taking place in new york?? the longer it went on the more i questioned my own sanity, which i guess is appropriate to everything that happens in the game

honestly i loved it, the only mark against it is i feel alex and harold's stories felt... completely separate? like it was just a coincidence they happened to be heading in the same direction, rather than anything meaningful, which i would've also dug if that felt intentional, like if there was a third character instead of the third chapter being about alex again?

which brings us to the third character... kat

hilarious that the game teases a sequel to come out in 2016, but uh that didn't work out i guess ):

hopefully one day the developer manages to finish it! (according to a steam post... end of this year?? seems they've had a lot of Real Life Shit type trouble throughout the years, so i'm pullin for em)


good lil puzzle game


not actually a real criticism but the way i play games i just prefer them to be shorter so THERE

i guess if i had any criticism it's that there's no new mechanics once you settle into it fairly early on and i dunno i think that's a shame

three solid attempts over the course of like five years and i made it further this time but i give up i just hate this game i'm sorry to say

zero compelling characters

ugly world

filled with pointless shit

boring mechanics

not for me i guess

realllllllly not my kind of game, an fmv dating sim taking place during the covid lockdown in the UK, picked it cause I got it in some recent monthly humble bundle and wanted to see if I could find anything to like in it and well... to give it as much credit as I can, I guess some of the characters were likable (esp your best bud, everyone needs a best bud like that), but man I could not make myself emotionally care about actually succeeding in any of the dates beyond actively cringing when I would intentionally choose bad responses to go for the worst ending achievement (to fail all three of your initial dates)...

gave this a fair shake despite doug tennapel's... questionable views (he's an unrepentant asshole) because it was in my steam library for whatever reason, and, well, it was... okay

the puzzles were tedious most of the time
the music mostly so-so
the claymation pretty great when actually animated but i would've appreciated more for flavor
the story... well, it was there

i did not play the neverhood, so i can't compare it, but based on the societal nostalgia for that title, i can only assume the neverhood is just a better game all around, and maybe one day i'll play that

sad boys unite

a short game that felt like it lasted weeks

giant levels with sometimes annoyingly well hidden collectibles plus slow movement and clunky jumping is... not a good mix

i won't really comment on the writing much beyond wondering out loud how odd the metaphor of a fox chasing the murderer of its children is for a man grieving the loss of his (estranged?) father, but hey

i give the dev points for making this all on their own while working a full time job, or so i read! but unfortunately i can't say that i'm a fan of the final product

i'm sure it meant something to them tho and that's good

oh! one thing i actually liked was the switch from stylized art to realism once you exit the dreamscape and control joseph, i thought that was neato (:

pretty boring, don't have much to say besides I think puzzle games should strive for clever solutions rather than lots of options that require experimentation, but that's somewhat of a personal preference rather than a demand, so whatever I guess

I've played a decent number of CAPITALISM BAD games but Going Under might be the most consistently clever, funny, and real about its theme than any other I've played, despite literally being about an AI trying to hack humanity's souls through the use of arcane objects spawned from human greed and failure

that lost achievement for beating the impostor a bunch of times sure was really fuckin hard tho

1: a decent enough nostalgia bomb; 2 and especially 3: added way too much mini game shit that just sucked

verrrrrry much targeted at kids in ways weird gamer bros will claim Nintendo games are "kiddy" but this actually is, there's nothing there for people like me except the fact that I played it as a kid and happened to have it in my library

kinda like trying to watch the original TMNT cartoon these days, it's just bad

extremely faithful remakes tho, definitely a case of "they remade it like you remember it" unless you were the type super obsessed to replay it every year like I've seen some people talk about it lol

a really fun idea that boils down to kind of a fun game... too easy for bad luck to just fuck you into losing a run

if it weren't so short I would rate it way lower tbh

pretty hard until I kinda learned to use walls

more into the aesthetic than the gameplay if I'm honest but that's just cause twin stick shooters aren't really my bag