neat lil microgame, not sure if it was directly inspired by minit or not, but imagine minit but much shorter and sans puzzles etc and where you get time back by killing enemies

it's neat!

it ain't bad but it ain't great either

there's a lack of polish in the areas that matter most (running away from the monster feels like a complete crapshoot) but a pretty nice level of polish in places that feel less important but also do a lot to sell the fiction (the system interface, and talking to coworkers)

i'm not sure it's entirely accurate to the scp foundation's established canon but also who the fuck really cares about that, it's all made up by so many different people, it's all right to have some different interpretations every now and then, the entire concept of the scp foundation is founded in collective storytelling, there is a "canon" but i guarantee not everyone who's submitted works to the thing actually agrees on literally every part of it

anyway i dunno why i went off on that tangent there

i like the anthology approach, but i feel like it wanted to tell a bigger story than it did, and it turns out that's probably true, cause more content was planned, but the studio... fell apart, i guess?

this is what i'd want more of in scp games personally

it's all right? i didn't like the combat and would rather it have been pure platforming, cause these environments are cool as heck, but even the platforming wasn't special, but then without the combat they could've made the platforming feel better... AAAAAANYWAY

who knows when it was added to my steam library, as with most shit i have, but i picked it once i spotted it cause it's about indian mythology and that's something i have always liked from afar but never really known much about

it commits the sin of Teaching you most of said mythology through lots of audio that you have to listen to while you sit there, instead of instilling it through experience, which is where the strength of gaming should lie

the story is all right, fairly cliche affair about a sister rescuing her brother from the demons etc etc

ultimately i wanted to like it more than i did, but i would play more like this if they gave it another go and put more time into making the game feel good instead of just look good

and boy does it look good at times!

short and sweet, reminiscent of ps2/gamecube b tier action platformers of old

very comfortable

the vacuum gimmick was fun enough, cleaning up the gunk to reveal cool alien plant life that lets you explore further is a good loop, makes everything feel nice and dynamic

charming characters, fun lil adventure, good message, etc

quality time all around

really cool system where you get to build your own spells from a set of traits kinda like a visual programming language, the only thing that holds the game back from being great is just that... it's kinda basic outside of that... understandably so, but still

i sure am glad they gave me a button to just look at the whole level whenever i wanted!

this is a game where i found solving the levels mostly satisfying, and hunting down the collectibles mostly satisfying, but every now and then i would just hit something that really frustrated me, and it's because i missed some little corner i could use to get where i needed to get, hidden in shadow

and that sucked!!!

but overall a really clever game, i really like the gravity shifting mechanic, there's other games that play with gravity but so often it's linked to flipping some switch or using some device, in this one it's just smoothly handled by... walking on surfaces

once i adapted to the game's language, i really enjoyed it (bar the aforementioned frustration)

worst moments: the vehicles and oily surfaces tbh, game isn't made for fast paced shit
best moments: every new power just opening up the game, and getting the wall cling power last was awesome, just telling you "hey break the game!" and letting you wreak havoc, awesome shit

short and sweet puzzler where you move three lil dudes around to step on buttons and such, doesn't do anything special but was fun the couple hours it lasted


didn't realize going on its just like a... tech demo for movement for the full game lol

movement is fun but I kinda don't wanna buy the full game cause I guess it has actual combat and not really feeling like I want that kinda thing right now

that was a umm.. a game that I played! a pretty grim dark comedy from the perspective of a very young girl who has no idea what's really going on, a pretty linear adventure type game where you make choices along the way and the game says they matter but I'm not sure most of them actually do (beyond achievements I guess?), they're just ways of seeing different jokes

pretty good all things considered, but so strangely childish in presentation despite the dark humor that I dunno if I could recommend it, but I guess it didn't bother me so what do I care what other people would think!

I understand why it's one of the least popular asscreeds

some beautiful art here I said goddamn

puzzles extremely satisfying but sometimes also I'm pretty dumb so I definitely got stuck plenty of times

a really fun idea that boils down to kind of a fun game... too easy for bad luck to just fuck you into losing a run

if it weren't so short I would rate it way lower tbh

one of them xbla classics that apparently holds up pretty well, fun combat and platforming only really hindered by mediocre story and ... subpar voice acting

another puzzle platformer, another sad story

I swear to god these people

at least this one is well written and feels like a genuine person going through genuine shit so I guess I can't really hold it against em this time

anyway gameplay is great

how to make a game feel like a metroidvania without actually having any of the defining characteristics of a metroidvania

a masterclass in platformer puzzle level design that provides a single giant completely interconnected world filled with a wide variety of puzzles that all stem from a small, unchanging set of mechanics

shame this dev doesn't exist anymore ):