i sure am glad they gave me a button to just look at the whole level whenever i wanted!

this is a game where i found solving the levels mostly satisfying, and hunting down the collectibles mostly satisfying, but every now and then i would just hit something that really frustrated me, and it's because i missed some little corner i could use to get where i needed to get, hidden in shadow

and that sucked!!!

but overall a really clever game, i really like the gravity shifting mechanic, there's other games that play with gravity but so often it's linked to flipping some switch or using some device, in this one it's just smoothly handled by... walking on surfaces

once i adapted to the game's language, i really enjoyed it (bar the aforementioned frustration)

worst moments: the vehicles and oily surfaces tbh, game isn't made for fast paced shit
best moments: every new power just opening up the game, and getting the wall cling power last was awesome, just telling you "hey break the game!" and letting you wreak havoc, awesome shit

short and sweet, reminiscent of ps2/gamecube b tier action platformers of old

very comfortable

the vacuum gimmick was fun enough, cleaning up the gunk to reveal cool alien plant life that lets you explore further is a good loop, makes everything feel nice and dynamic

charming characters, fun lil adventure, good message, etc

quality time all around

it's all right? i didn't like the combat and would rather it have been pure platforming, cause these environments are cool as heck, but even the platforming wasn't special, but then without the combat they could've made the platforming feel better... AAAAAANYWAY

who knows when it was added to my steam library, as with most shit i have, but i picked it once i spotted it cause it's about indian mythology and that's something i have always liked from afar but never really known much about

it commits the sin of Teaching you most of said mythology through lots of audio that you have to listen to while you sit there, instead of instilling it through experience, which is where the strength of gaming should lie

the story is all right, fairly cliche affair about a sister rescuing her brother from the demons etc etc

ultimately i wanted to like it more than i did, but i would play more like this if they gave it another go and put more time into making the game feel good instead of just look good

and boy does it look good at times!

it ain't bad but it ain't great either

there's a lack of polish in the areas that matter most (running away from the monster feels like a complete crapshoot) but a pretty nice level of polish in places that feel less important but also do a lot to sell the fiction (the system interface, and talking to coworkers)

i'm not sure it's entirely accurate to the scp foundation's established canon but also who the fuck really cares about that, it's all made up by so many different people, it's all right to have some different interpretations every now and then, the entire concept of the scp foundation is founded in collective storytelling, there is a "canon" but i guarantee not everyone who's submitted works to the thing actually agrees on literally every part of it

anyway i dunno why i went off on that tangent there

i like the anthology approach, but i feel like it wanted to tell a bigger story than it did, and it turns out that's probably true, cause more content was planned, but the studio... fell apart, i guess?

this is what i'd want more of in scp games personally


pretty dang good game, if a bit too long

puzzles all felt solvable with clues sprinkled throughout, i never got hard stuck until chapter 3 (which was also, imo, the worst chapter gameplay wise, albeit the best chapter story wise)

really pretty, the flat shading style worked really well here

tove's voo-voo-voop!s and woohoo!s were extremely adorable

i'm also just a huge sucker for nordic folklore, and i don't mean like norse gods, i mean the weird trolls and fairies and all that stuff, so this was great

neat lil microgame, not sure if it was directly inspired by minit or not, but imagine minit but much shorter and sans puzzles etc and where you get time back by killing enemies

it's neat!

this game is pretty

love the mosaic tile aesthetic from all the textures to the particles and even sometimes the geometry it felt like

arguably it FEELS a little too slow but also it only lasts an hour so if i see anyone whinin about it being too slow i'm just gonna laugh

all in all just kind of an excellently presented short story about a small civilization coming to terms with an impending cataclysm, top rec tbh

pretty all right lil puzzle game about humans trapped underground cause they were lied to about the sun "going away" (lol)

the game features no surprises but it's a pleasant and smooth enough experience that i enjoyed my time with it

i wouldn't mind a sequel with expanded design and whatnot, but i somehow doubt that's ever gonna happen

fuckin great! movement feels soooo good, jumping, sliding, swinging, skiing, just a joy to navigate the environment

music is charming, graphics have a nostalgic appeal to em without feeling dated (ymmv)

where i gotta dock points is two different areas:

1) the environments got a little exhaustingly... samey? which is weird to say cause each of the ruins does have variety, you're climbing towers or dodging bird bombs or whatever, but the veneer on top kinda makes it all smear together into one kinda boring flavor over time? like taking your entire dinner and just pouring some nondescript brown sauce over every separate piece so it all tastes basically the same

2) i think the level design is mostly great, except that it's just short of perfect!! so many elements are JUST at the right distance, everything is JUST a little too hard to get to... it's the kind of thing that is great when you're doing one level after the next and they're shorter and disconnected experiences, like super meat boy etc, but when you're in this big open world and there's no Break between challenges really, it gets frustrating, especially with the sparse and tedious checkpoint fishing hook system they've got going on here

it's not something that was too hard for me, but it's definitely too hard for me to recommend to many of my friends who i think would otherwise love it

aside from the game feeling a little bit longer than i would've liked (once you see all the different ships, you've seen em, but you still gotta do some repeats is my main issue), this game was great

does a great job of letting you live the "fantasy" (?!) of a hardworking blue collar space ship salvager in the distant future where earth is a dead planet, nice nice!

but for real it's... calming to systematically dismantle a big ol hunk of metaphorical (and sometimes literal) steel and has a decent enough, albeit fairly cliche story to go along with it, which is honestly more than i expected (which was... no story? i dunno why, i guess i just assume most of these heavy sim type games don't care about campaigns, but this one clearly did)

anyway, good shit

also, yay unions!

this is a free game made to show what pixel game maker can do i think and i mean as an ad it... well it sucks

the ball got stuck in a wall and because it's a game based on time instead of lives, it meant i wasted a lot of time waiting for the game's "it's broken" detector to detect it

honestly it's not worth writing anything about but well i did play it i guess

in a lot of the best most polished indie platformers, there's a trend of chasing CHALLENGE above all else

this is not one of those games, and i think that's great

straightforward levels where most of the difficulty comes in just being willing to explore different paths to find the hidden collectibles, and it never really asks a lot of you, but the movement is smooth and has great flow and is just a joy, and in terms of presentation it's got this almost oppressively silly attitude to every angle, and it's just... fun

it's a fun game

all right concept but sure gets tedious by the end as new mechanics are never really introduced and there's nothing to the game besides the battles


not a fan of this kind of game but i got it in some shitty bundle i guess, so here's far more words than it could ever deserve

even if i did like this kind of game it's obviously very cheaply - albeit competently - made, with the most boring kind of presentation

but what i really dislike about it is that it has levels, but after you get deep enough, it starts making one of the key mechanics (lucid blocks, used to reset the board) rarer and rarer, which takes control away from you, the player, and gives it to rng, the computer, in a very adversarial and frustrating manner... you go very quickly from being the one who makes mistakes to being the one who suffers bad luck

compare that to tetris, obviously one of the better puzzle games out there, where even tho there's a random element to it, i.e., which tetromino you get next, you're still largely in control of how the game flows, because you get to place it where you want, instead of the board just decided to fuck you over by covering that tall single empty column you've been working on

it sucks

an idle game with very little depth and blissfully short to make up for that

not recommended tbh