very much a kid's game in subject matter, although i'm sure lots of kids would get stuck on the puzzles too, such as they were

decent and charming enough, but obviously not made for me!

honestly i was interested in uncovering the story but between the ugly graphics (normally i'd give it a pass given the small scale of the game but combined with the following...) and flickering flashlight and constant darkness, i got a huge fucking migraine and had to quit by the time the island was just a dark storm where i couldn't see shit in front of me

i learned afterward that you can charge the flashlight in outlets (??) but i'm not going back

ugh i still feel nauseous and it's been five minutes since i closed the game

a story of a world in decay told through a farm and old lady in decay receiving letters from long tossed out family members

the clunkiness of taking care of the farm was pretty frustrating, but that quickly gave way to "who even cares about this farm, i can't do anything anyway, the world is dying", so i mean... i dunno if there are different endings if you do a better job of taking care of the farm, but the one i got was pretty sad i guess!

i dunno maybe i just wasn't in the right mood for it, that happens sometimes

yo i thought this was supposed to be calming and zen and shit but it just reminded me how stressful moving is D:

also totally unrealistic... the real moving process leaves some boxes packed for months or even years!

i do think it was genuinely neat how it told a story over time with where you moved and who you moved in with and who moved in with you

pretty solid click em up lite puzzle design with a wacky sometimes gross cartoon aesthetic that works more often than it doesn't

ya pretty all right

y'know i played this back when it launched, being an avid idle thumbs reader at the time, and loved it then too

this time i played with dev commentary for that sweet cheese and it was definitely a weird way to experience the story, most of which i found i actually remembered! guess it stuck

funnily enough a lot of the commentary actually sounded familiar too probably from idle thumbs discussions

gave this a fair shake despite doug tennapel's... questionable views (he's an unrepentant asshole) because it was in my steam library for whatever reason, and, well, it was... okay

the puzzles were tedious most of the time
the music mostly so-so
the claymation pretty great when actually animated but i would've appreciated more for flavor
the story... well, it was there

i did not play the neverhood, so i can't compare it, but based on the societal nostalgia for that title, i can only assume the neverhood is just a better game all around, and maybe one day i'll play that

just finished the original non-redux version and then saw i had this in my library too and figured i'd do a quick "speedrun" because i dunno i just did and i was kinda curious what would be different

most notable: better lighting in the church
most curious: the white symbols are gone from the carter house
most unsure if actual change: the placement of at least one memory fragment ghost thing to make it more obvious to keep following the trail in the dale murder? i dunno about this one tho

also feel more sure about saying this now: don't really like the ending

but hey whatever

so damn pretty

when they feed you the line in the beginning that this game won't hold your hands they weren't lying

i uh, do not jive well with games as open as this, but i liked it a lot anyway, and just kept a guide handy for any time i got stuck, it works for me

besides me calling the suspect from the first time i met him but wishing i was wrong because it was too obvious, this was a great game all around

really enjoyable deduction with enough choice but also enough limitations that i never had to feel stupid, genuinely good voice acting and great animations and a fun cast of characters

good click em up

i might should have done played the first two episodes again, since the last time i played this was checks achievement unlock date in the year of 2017, but hey, i didn't, so there

feel like i picked up the intent pretty easily anyway, a few horror stories abstracting the guy drunk driving and killing his sister and another driver, yikes!

it's pretty good, although if i'm being honest, i would've rather just some short horror stories, i didn't need the cohesive theme

feel for the guy, though, this takes place back in the day when drunk driving was still socially acceptable, and ain't nobody tried to stop him, but now he has to live with that guilt

feel more for the sister and other drive tho i guess ha ha ha !

an hour-long walking sim where you don't even get to actually walk, you just click arrows ):

i dunno it was very much the epitome of FINE, i liked that i got to blow up earth at the end cause earth is alive and triangles let you talk to it ha ha yeah all right all right all right

well, uh, huh, that was, short

i like short but i didn't expect it to end so abruptly! i guess it was free so i can't hold the length against it too much

plus, i learned something!

hoo ya i like this one for sure mm hmmm

the balance of whimsy and horror just struck the right cord for me, i thought from screenshots i'd have a... distaste for the character art style with the big ol heads and flimsy lil limbs, but it felt right for the game

definitely way less horror and way more dark humor than expected, and that's fine by me! a+

the snowpocalypse makes monsters of us all!!!!!!!!!!!

pretty good narrative game with light click em up elements about two people who both did bad things but for different reasons and one is definitely worse than the other but also IS HE????????? who can REALLY SAY!!!!!!!!! in this NEW WORLD.

anyway cool