Cute game but there are other Katamaris I much prefer like damacy

Ran into a crazy game breaking bug that killed my playthrough that was not in the original, how did the GOTY edition have this but not the original. So strange but I guess just play that one

Just an amazing game series and an infallible game format. So damn good.

Lost my life in this game… and all its sequels lol

Emulated this one so had quite a few technical issues. Still the game almost made me cry both because the story is so good and falling off beasts is sooooo frustrating. If controls were good idk it would be one of my personal bests

This ALWAYS gets pushed on me by friends so I finally bit. I dont see it. I dont find it good. I love PC games and this game was only on PC for a while but why? There is basically no gameplay. Sorry chris but this game kinda sucks (at least for me)

I know not everyone thinks this entry but I personally loved the changes they made to unit control to help simplify longer campaigns.

ClassiC PC game that aged pretty well. Puzzles are a bit easy now but the atmosphere is chilling

Nothing special or even decent imo. I think the fate visual novels still reign supreme for me but I still have a lot of the top end ones to read like those by NIS, Atlus and some steam library ones Ive seen before. Would love to be corrected on this one tho or pointed out how to enjoy the story more

eh, an experienced PC gamer like myself definitely loved this when it came out but now? It falls behind in its own genre

Pretty good but could be much better

Not a big combat game guy but this one was preeeee good just hard