got bored mid way got to them 4 angel boss or whatever dark souls 2 wipes this

kino!! : ) every other pokemans game sucks dont worry

Had to get on HRT to even install this game. Gotta say I wasnt dissapointed. Probably one of the better bethesda games but thats not saying that much :) cope and seethe reddit

Bone chilling slow burn horror. Felt like I was really freddy frazbear guard while playing. 10/10

worst horror game ive ever played proof and point that every resident evil game that doesnt feature a hot japanese short haired woman sucks

wow... kishida miyazaki B team did a great job. Literally wipes every souls like out of the water with just its pvp... Redditors will seethe over this because they have an IQ of their chromosomes... GOAT GAME

it was fine i guess just needed a bit more mining and crafting i think

coal ass cheeks boomer soy!! most overrated game known to man! only playing the remake because of that spicy woman character with nsfw mods installed. kinda kino then but this game sucks

uninstalled after 1 hour of gameplay. most boring game known to man. redditors praise this cuz of the sex scene go google boobs dummie #YADONE #Filtered

if you want a real game install skyrim or oblivion with 2B nsfw mods. this is crap

Uninstalled after 20mins of gameplay have to ride some horse in a souls game what is this crap. runs like shit too 30fps max need to mod it so you can play it