really great visuals writing and performances while also being generally pretty fun. last level is genuinely atrocious though

really cool dreamlike atmosphere and soundtrack that's not afraid to actually get weird with it

played probably 70% of this with my gf but we didn't end up finishing it.

looks great and most of the puzzle solving and whatever is a lot of fun, but still has frustrating moments.

the characters are well written, but their bickering can be pretty grating and that's really all you get for most of the game. I get that both of them are supposed to be unpleasant and in the wrong in their own ways, but I think its a bit more storytelling than a cute puzzle platformer can handle. watching them kill that elephant really pulls you out of the game

so much style but the levels are so ass and none of the gameplay styles are actually fun

this game wants you to think its a deck builder but its actually a monster collector

really nice improvement on the last game. changing COs frequently does so much for the game, especially compared to the first game where it was so hard to not just pick max. I kind of wish there were more new units, but it speaks to how well thought out the existing units are that there wasn't much room for more

the drakengard games ask the bold question "what if we put some really cool stuff at the very end of a pretty bad pretty long game"

that being said the game became a lot more fun the second I switched it to easy mode. as soon as you replay any content the game becomes miserable, and easy mode mostly avoids that. unless you're careful with a guide tho you will have to grind a lot for ending E, which I did not bother to do

infinitely more tolerable than drakengard 3 tho and even just playing up to ending D feels worth it if you're interested in the series and know what you're getting into

holds up tbh. I heard the combat was clunky but I thought it felt pretty good actually. hits have a lot of impact. If anything was hard to get used to it was the fixed camera.

takes a really long time to walk anywhere and while the substories are good the minigames are mostly just gambling and the other side content is pretty meh. probably best to just play the main story and whatever substories you come across organically. that's what I did and I enjoyed it all the way through.

feels horrible to control and one of the two tracks I played on was impossible to follow visually. its a shame cuz the game has some style. you can probably get used to it if you really try tho

feels a bit more inconsistent than the first game and doesn't hit quite as hard, but that's the risk of expanding on something that was both great and pretty simple.

the writing is much better and the commitment to more coherent worldbuilding is good for a sequel and a much longer game.

the 3d environments look a bit worse and are sometimes very hard to navigate.

both minigames (sidescroller and dungeon crawler) are just a pain. I typically really like when games do stuff like that, but the levels just feel like they needed another draft.

as much as this game adds in expanded scope, there is nothing quite like playing with your band in the first game

I only played this game to test the laser in my ps2 but it actually seems good

very cute but the minigames are just only alright.

game chugs so much tho the switch really is the worst console of all time

a lot of the visuals are nice, I especially like autumn and the plant room. the game really does throw things at you that you can't predict, and I think it works.

the endings are a bit clumsy (I really rolled my eyes when even the "nothing" ending started yapping at me) but once you've seen them all they form a nice sort of whole.

the environments are really cool. my favorite part was how the areas before the first monster foreshadowed how he would look.

not really scary at all but I think the target demo is a bit younger than me so that's fine

my biggest complaint is that a lot of maps are decided on turn 3-5 and then it takes another 5 or so turns just to finish the job. the ranking system disincentivizes this I guess, but even then a lot of my S rank clears had this problem, and a bad grade isn't enough for me to reset a map I've been playing for twenty minutes.

its also really funny that this game has a story but like only barely. it never feels like the characters actually exist in a location at any point