It's pretty fun when your teammates don't suck, which is far too much even in the highest ranks.

Don't have terribly much to say just has the same good controls as the SNES ones (though I do admittedly think those feel a bit better due to what I assume to be the smaller sprites) with excellent level design and aesthetics. The thing that really elevates this one though is Zero as a playable character, the addition of a whole new playstyle adds so much replay value to an already replayable series and I think he's even funner to play as than X. Boss fights are very hit or miss here, this game has some very good ones but they pretty much all of the 8 stage ones get ruined by special weapons (Web Spider is the only exception) and the last two are cancer.
Excellent platformer, at least the 2nd best the X series has to offer.

Revolutionary for the time, but nowadays, this game does nothing better than future installments.

Only real complaints I have are the dash not being given to you at the start, makes replaying the intro stage hella annoying and could lead any unsuspecting new player to having a bad time until they pick the right stage. There's no bullshit level design moments except for maybe part of Sigma Palace 1, so all good there. Graphically game looks great and it sounds just as good too.

The level designs I really dig most of the time but the bosses here are really repetitive and not that interesting; only really making up for it with big damage.

Best game Kirby has to offer, especially if you're going for 100%. Getting percentage points is actually useful too, since the things you unlock actually do things for you unlike in Superstar where it's just do the things for the points. I think the bite sized levels really compliment both the simplicity and experimental nature of Kirby. The bubbles letting you keep some copy abilities for later also helps with that experiment bit, since you can't choose which ability you're going to have as a backup (unless you use the bubble ability) you get put in situations using abilities where you normally wouldn't. The chests taking up a bubble slot also adds a bit of resource management to the game. Though I do think the health from the bubble system is stupid, it's a Kirby game so already easy, and the levels are so short even if you die it won't matter too much. Oh also you get to change Kirby's color with unlockables, instant 10/10.
So yeah, if you've played a Kirby game before or just want a chill quick platformer play this.

This game is good. Level design doesn't have nearly as many as those instant death traps as Sonic Rush (though a few still show their face on occasion), and I generally felt like I was doing more than just boosting my way until the end. I don't think the wisps really helped with that though, Drill and Void are the only ones somewhat interesting the rest are just annoying to use to me. Game is very short, only containing around 12 levels but ranking system + extra missions can offer more game time if you want it. Visually I think game looks great and the soundtrack is even better, seriously the soundtrack is really really good.
Recommended if you enjoyed either Sonic Rush titles (this game is essentially the third anyways), or just want a high speeds platformer.

This game is pretty much the same as the original Superstar Saga in quality to me, though I do really enjoy Bowser's personality and the use of the dual screen setup of the DS which gives it unique points. It also has some overall improvements, like the Bowser gameplay shaking things up and the special attacks being more dynamic and interesting, but I think if you didn't like Superstar Saga you wouldn't like this game and the same goes for if you liked it. Definitely get this game physical if you can, while still enjoyable on emulators I'm sure I can't imagine it'd be the same.

Game will frequently not work, but when it works DAMN it works well. I think the 4 stories aren't actually the worst idea actually, I feel like Sonic games generally always get better the more you replay them, so having that be forced for a true ending isn't a bad idea imo. I think if anyone plays this game and they don't feel like playing more they should definitely take a break though, because it is forcing you to replay generally the same levels over and over again which can feel monotonous as hell if you don't want to do it.

Game fails at fixing the flaws of the original Johto games, with the only real improvements coming from the inherent jump to the engine of other ds pokemon games before it. Main game is a slog due to the abysmal level curve and will either require going into fights underleveled or grinding for hours on end. The story in this game goes nowhere and all of the Team Rocket events are annoying and uninspired. There is a large amount of post game content if you're into that (not the extra region, that's extremely bare bones and lackluster), but otherwise this game is overhyped way too much.

While a very cool experience for the time I'm sure, it has definitely aged poorly and you have little reason to play this over the remakes on the Gameboy Advance.

A step up from its predecessors, but still suffers from a lot of the same problems and some of the new Pokemon aren't even obtainable until post game, like not even legendaries, just normal Pokemon, for no real reason.

It's hard to really say anything useful in the review without spoilering the game since, you know, visual novel, but I enjoyed it a lot. The story never gets boring but you also don't feel like you don't have enough time to take in what's happened (except for when you're supposed to not have enough time) and is a good incentive to keep going. The gameplay portions themselves are cool and feel engaging even if it's mostly just knowing what option to pick, which is pretty impressive. Though I will say the logic for some of them can be a bit iffy at times, and the difficulty was pretty easy except for a few random bits which took up most of my health. Overall though the gameplay is good and I think gives a good reason to play the game yourself instead of just watching some let's player do it (and probably is better than the anime, but since I haven't watched that I can't really say).

also makoto perfect twink bod

It's a bit unfair at times but with how short it is I don't think that's a dealbreaker, the level design I find to be most of the time pretty nice and the weapon balancing is actually good here, the only weapon of the main 4 you get that I find to be underwhelming is Fire Storm, I used the other 3 multiple times. I definitely appreciate how this game actually had original levels when they definitely could've taken the easy way out and just remade the NES levels cough the sequel cough but they went out of their way to make this game something unique. Good game to play as a distraction but since it only has 6 levels it ends quickly and it doesn't feel quite as good as the other Megaman games.

It's fine to kill an hour or so but that's really it. I literally just finished the game and as I'm writing this I can't remember any stand out level or setpiece. With 9 levels, 8 of them feel like halfbaked versions of the levels the Robot Masters they're using originally had.

The reason I'm giving it a whole *1* is just that... I see no reason for this game to exist. It offers absolutely nothing that Megaman 2 will not give you by itself. As a handheld in 1991, I guess it was fine, but as it is now it is so entirely uninteresting that it gives no value.

Also what's up with some of the bosses doing literally one point of damage to you wtf?