one of the best rpgs out there, it's one of the few games that actually made me question the morality of my actions instead of everything being black and white.
it lost half a star because of the abundant glitches and issues

Shares a lot of similarities with the first game but it improves upon it in so many aspects that it makes for a superior experience


Hades is without a doubt the best roguelike I've ever played, it excels in everything from the combat to the music to the world and everything in between.
A must play for absolutely anyone

one of the best licensed games you can play.
any superhero fan should not miss out on this gem


awesome small puzzle game, you'll have a lot of fun with this one.
though the puzzles in the end are slightly less fun

very awesome game but the combat is kinda simple and the bosses are dogshit and all of them are the same

Earthbound is fantastic, it's one of the most charming rpgs you can ever play, everything about it from the characters to the world and everything in between, the combat is quite simple so it would be fun even if you don't know anything about the genre.
My only problem with it is that the difficulty is kinda weird, the game throws a ton of random encounters at you and the bosses aren't that hard, which makes the bosses feel less important since dealing with the dozens of encounters before them is more of a problem than the bosses themselves

this game is full of personality and perfect for some quick fun, perfect game for the game boy advance

really fun game that can be enjoyed by almost anyone.
it's also really short so you can beat it in an otherwise boring afternoon

not as bad as people make you think, i personally find it as enjoyable as the first castlevania, but you MUST use a guide, the game is extremely cryptic and vague with its hints and i can't see anyone beating the game without already knowing what to do.
without a guide it's more like a 2

One of the most important 3d games ever made and it's still very fun to play even today.
the levels are open ended and enjoyable with a few exceptions.
this should be on everyone's gaming bucket list

an amzing platformer, i struggled a bit with the difficulty but other than that it's quite fun

one of the best modern platformers out there, if you haven't played Celeste yet you're really missing out

without a doubt the best nes castlevania, can be super challenging at times especially if you take the alucard route.
the japanese version is better than the american one because you get higher quality music and the damage scaling is more fair

Mega Man 1 is a very good game hindered by its absurd difficulty, it's one of the few games where I'd actually recommend using save states because I just don't want to deal with its bullshit, but when it's good it's awesome, a decent start of a great series