About You: Video Games

I've seen these lists all over the site, so I figured I may as well give one of these a shot! Heavily inspired by thealexmott's list! Template is here!

Stressful Game
I'm not a big Souls player, but I've always heard Bloodborne was the most welcoming to newcomers to FromSoft's recent offerings, so I played it and somehow beat it. It is very, VERY easy to die in these games, and Bloodborne is no exception, so making it through was pretty stressful. Nothing will top my trek through the final area where if you move outside cover, a meter fills that deals damage to you when it becomes full. That on top of the spider room sent some chills up my spine. After countless deaths I decided I was going to sprint through everything up to and past the spider room until I found a checkpoint, and despite my panicking as I ran through unfamiliar areas being hounded by spiders it somehow worked out! Cool game!
Best Art Style
When it comes to presentation, Cuphead can't be beat. The beautiful hand-drawn animations for the characters and bosses will be celebrated for years to come. It's endlessly charming and proves just how powerful having a strong art-style can be for a game. It also helps that Cuphead is a great game that everyone should try playing at least once!
Honorable Mentions: Katamari Series, Hi-Fi Rush
Favorite Game of All Time:
Super Mario World is not only one of the first games I've ever played, but also the first game I have ever beaten. I've probably replayed this game over the years more times than I have any other game (that isn't a rougelike). The wonder I felt discovering the star and special worlds the first time all those years ago can still be felt when I revisit them today. Discovering secret exists and exploring the world map is never a dull time, and each level is fun and memorable. This is a game that is absolutely worth playing today and each tomorrow that will ever come!
Favorite Series:
I started playing the Mario series with Super Mario All-Stars when I was 2, with my Dad guiding me through it, showing me the secret warp zones of Super Mario Bros. and making it to world 8. Since then, the mainline Mario series has taken many different forms, and (almost) each time is a fun one. Games like Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Odyssey are wonderful experiences, and there's plenty of other games in the Mario series that are with experiencing, whether they're platformers or sports games or RPGs! There's something for everyone with Mario!
Honorable Mentions: Sonic the Hedgehog, Kingdom Hearts
You Hate Everyone Loves
I really wish I could see eye-to-eye with Sunshine-enjoyers, but I just can't. FLUDD is a neat idea, but it just doesn't save the awful Shine missions. Oh, boy! I get to collect 8 red coins for the 15TH TIME! Let's not forget missions like the watermelon festival and the balloons on the roller coaster, just to name a few nightmares. There's also the issues of the game not properly conveying how to access the final boss, not being able to get the 100 coin shine on any mission, the blue coins in general, and the god-awful "reward" for 100%. What a nightmare game.
Honorable Mentions: The Evil Within, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, Sonic CD
Favorite Ending
I REALLY wish I could go into detail about this here, but I just can't. This is something you need to experience on your own. I'll say this and no more: this is my favorite game ending for a reason. It moved me in such a powerful way that can not be explained here. Everything about the execution of it is perfect, and just thinking about it makes me misty-eyed. What a fantastic video game. Play Mother 3.
Honorable Mentions: Moon, Live-A-Live, Undertale
Best Soundtrack
Live-A-Live is an immaculate experience in terms of gameplay, graphics and story. However, since I can only put one game for each category, I'm giving this one Best Soundtrack. Each track compliments the era you're exploring perfectly, using instrumentation that feels natural for each. Every fight song is great, and the major piece, Megalomaia, is amazing. My favorite track in the game has to be Warm-A-Live. I think it's a wonderfully peaceful song that immediately conveys the emotions it wants to when you first hear it. When I hit the credits of this game, I knew I needed to buy this game's soundtrack physically immediately (which is thankfully available on Square-Enix's website). Easily one of my greatest gaming-related purchases!
Honorable Mentions: Pizza Tower, TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, Katamari Forever, Mother 3, SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge
Best Story
OneShot offers a very unique experience, breaking the fourth wall in ways I have never seen done before in a video game. It does everything it can to make you truly feel like you (the player) are a part of this world, and every decision you make feels personal. The characters you meet are all interesting in their own unique ways, and Niko, the protagonist, is adorable and you'll love him quickly. I won't get into specifics about the plot, but I will say this. This game has one of the most interesting decisions cast upon the player at a specific point, and it took me 20 minutes to make my decision. If you're reading this and have not played this game, PLAY IT! You won't regret it!
Honorable Mentions: Moon, Mother 3, Hypnospace Outlaw
Favorite Villain
Count Bleck is easily my favorite Antagonist. Learning about his past throughout the game and finding out what lead to him becoming the way he is stands as one of the most interesting plot threads of any Mario RPG. While his story is very Romeo & Juliet-esque, it is interesting to watch, and you genuinely feel bad for him towards the end, hoping that he finds the happiness he was denied long ago. I'm sure there's more interesting antagonists out there, but Count Bleck has stuck with me over the years for a reason, and that's why he's on this list.
Honorable Mentions: Specter (Ape Escape Series), Eggman (Sonic Series)
Tons of Hours Played
This game. This freaking game. This is the first Rouge-like (or lite, in the case of this one) I have ever played, and man what an introduction to the genre. So many items, bosses and characters to see and unlock. It's a super game that is way too addicting and I have put way too many hours into it over the years in various forms. Counting the original flash version, the original release of Rebirth, the Xbox One version of Afterbirth, the Switch version of Afterbirth+, and Repentance, I must have put over a thousand hours into this series. If you like addicting games that are constantly feeding you content, check out this game!
Have Not Played But Want To
A streamer I follow played through every game in the Armored Core series, and they describe it in such an interesting way that I feel like I need to try it out. The idea of spending tons of cash to build mechs while keeping in mind different manufacturers while hoping you don't have to sell tons of parts because you accidentally made a useless mech make it sound very interesting to play. Also, this game series may or may not kick my ass so that'll be neat to experience!
Childhood Game
When I got my PS2 all those years ago, my parents also got me Rayman, Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, and Ape Escape. While the former two games are ones that I hold close to me despite their difficulty, Ape Escape shines above them easily. It's such a unique experience that uses the analog sticks in a very interesting way. The soundtrack is very unique, the gadgets are fun to use, each level is super interesting, the voice acting is bad in a fun way, and catching monkeys is always satisfying. Ape Escape holds up pretty well today, so if you haven't played it yet, give it a shot!
Favorite Boss Fight
Each fight against Vergil is great, and the final match against him is easily the best. This is the definition of a perfect rival fight. Finding openings in his combos and learning how to handle his more powerful attacks takes a while, but it is absolutely worth it. It truly feels like an even match-up, and by the time you reach him you'll have such a strong grasp of the rules of Devil May Cry 3 that no impact of the fight will be lost on you. An absurdly great finale to a crazy game.

Honorable Mentions: Pizza Face (Pizza Tower), Raven Beak (Metroid Dread), Final Fight (Mother 3)
You Love Everyone Hates
I love Sonic 3D Blast. Both the Saturn and Genesis versions have great music, the stages are fun to explore, and it's a comfortable ride for the most part. If you want good special stages, though, boot up the Saturn version. If you don't care about the quality of those stages then you can't beat either game. Also, there's the Director's Cut mod that adds tons of cool features, so check that out, too!
Honorable Mention: SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge
Game You Always Come Back To
Another childhood favorite of mine. This is a fun 3D platformer with fun stages and charming music. While the back half of the game is a little rough and the bosses could be better, I still feel that this is a fun game overall. I think it's pretty replayable and offers time trials for stages that incentivize playing better as well as tokens to collect that unlock cool arcade Pac-Man games. Hopefully this game will get a facelift like Pac-Man World 1 did.
Honorable Mentions: Crash Bandicoot: Warped, Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Relaxing Game
Kind Words is a video game by definition, but it offers a very different experience from games as a whole. In this game, you read letters from real people asking for advice on life or situations they're facing. Your job is to write letters back offering them some guidance, but also some kind words to go along with them. You can also attach stickers to your message to brighten their mood. Of course, you can also send letters asking for help and get responses. This concept along with the lo-fi beats playing and the humble aesthetic of your room in-game makes for one of the most peaceful, relaxing experiences I have gotten to experience. This game is super cheap on Steam, so grab it if you enjoy helping people and chill vibes.
Guilty Pleasure
It's a licensed PlayStation game, but I think it's a fun one. The controls are kind of slippery and it's pretty short, but the level themes are pretty unique for a SpongeBob game. Also, that soundtrack is amazing. If you're not gonna play this game, at least do yourself a favor and check out that soundtrack!
Honorable Mention: Pokémon Channel
Favorite Protagonist
I love Sora so much. He's such a good boy with such a big heart. He's always thinking about others and doing his best to make others happy. I strive to have the optimism and selflessness Sora has every single day. His characterization in Kingdom Hearts 3 was amazing, and I am so excited to see how he develops in Kingdom Hearts 4!
Honorable Mentions: Niko (OneShot), Dante (Devil May Cry)


3 months ago

even tho i love mario sunshine i can totally see why people hate it, 100% valid. i hope i never want to replay it cuz fuck the chuckster level

3 months ago

@imshitting420 You're awakening scary memories by bringing up the chuckster level. As fun as it is to move around in that game with FLUDD some of the level design was just deranged, in my opinion.

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