The combat was cool and unique, and I got addicted to the feel of always getting stronger through the multiple progression systems. I also liked that regular enemies could be just as challenging as bosses, maybe even more. The Karon skills were cool and varied, as were the possession skills, but I got into my usual complacent gamer mode and didn't use most of them.

The music was generally good and used well even if it was comprised of random doujin tracks (props to him for using Vocaloid tracks). Because he used a lot of tracks from each composer, the soundtrack had a strange consistency to it so that was nice. Some tracks stood out in a bad way but I got used to them (WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!).

The main story was an insane wild ride that reads like a shitpost if you try to describe it to someone. I like that KEIZO used all the KINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tropes together and somehow made them stick. Despite the amateurish character writing the game had a ton of legit emotional moments. The setting was also very creative and literally built for me. I don't know if it is the anime brainrot, but I found the fanservice comedy in this game funny instead of cringe.

As other posters have mentioned the postgame is worse than the main game in every aspect. You hardly visit any new areas or find new equipment, and the additional progressive system didn't interest me much. Also, you become very overpowered so none of the bosses pose a challenge (tbh I played on Normal, but I found some main story bosses hard, especially near the end), which was disappointing because you just kill stuff mindlessly for the last 20 hours of the game.

The postgame story had some great moments, but it also was unnecessary and I think it made the game's story worse as a whole by making it unnecessarily convoluted and completely breaking the time travel logic of the setting. I would have preferred if its good aspects were just integrated into the much more poignant main game.

The game has some bullshit puzzles and obstacles, the weight check in Chapter 6 made me suffer, but they are not that common. Each chapter feautres a point of no return at the start, so one must keep a ton of save slots to be safe. Also a lot of necessary items like the crossbow or crafting recipe books are rewards in the optional arena, so you have to do it between the chapters (it is pretty fun, but there is no indication you have to).

I don't know if this was a great or even good game, because it is very flawed in most aspects, but it does some things no other game I have played did, and is generally very creative and soulful, so I had a blast with it. That's what you get when the game is made by one person, and I'm happy to have experienced it.

I think it also made me more optimistic for the coming era of games with AI generated assets, given that even if much of the music, sound effects, and art weren't made for this game in particular, KEIZO still managed to show his vision by combining them. I hope that the AI revolution will enable more people to create the unfiltered autism games they always wanted to.

Interconnected world ahead of its time, great storytelling that keeps you guessing about the truth behind the world and characters, good music, decent combat that's not my style but I could tolerate. Ending was great and emotional


It's great even if you play it like a normal roguelike (beat it 3 times). I don't think I have the patience to do the orb runs, but I love a ton of what this game did (I unlocked the greek letters and divide by spells though). The wandbuilding system and the spells are fun, the movement is great, and the pixel physics might be the best part

Gliding, the mastery system and the HoT metas are great additions that have value even outside the expansion maps. The new maps range from some of the best in the game (Verdant Brink) to a mess (Tangled Depths). The story is still meh even for game standards but it's getting a bit better. I haven't tried the raids yet but I want to

I finished all of Normal Mode, the first extra world and the first 9 worlds of Hard Mode but then I lost interest in it. The game is good.

The copy abilities + combination mechanic is obviously the highlight, but the other movement options (jumping, kicks, dodge roll) are all great and needed to win especially in Hard Mode. The bosses are very good, some of them are skillful, some of them offer a great spectacle, the best of them both. Copying the boss' signature move to use against them is always hype.

The level design in Normal Mode is a bit basic but becomes glorious in Hard Mode, with the levels forcing you to choose which enemy to kill with what copy ability in an almost puzzle-like manner (that W6-hard level was insane).

The story is pretty good for what it is and I find the 2000s deviantart artstyle charming.

Endless mode (wave based) was unexpectedly fun as well with the randomly changing environments and exclusive boss fights.

I might revisit the game to finish the remainder of Hard Mode someday

Pretty decent, the story sucks balls and barely makes sense at points, but the leveling experience is a very solid open world game. The areas are beautiful with tons of neat areas scattered throughout. I love the verticality of the world, and it really did cave and underwater areas much better than WoW. I reached lvl 80 with a Sylvari Mesmer, the way it plays is very fun, not sure if the other classes are that good.
The game's worst point is that it isn't very memorable. I don't remember many locations or characters, and the lack of WoW-like quest chains doesn't help with this. WoW's writing wasn't very good even in that game's peak, but it never felt as soulless as this game's. It just doesn't have that iconic vibe
Overall a pretty fun dopamine trap, will do endgame stuff and the Heart of Thorns expac next.

It's good but it doesn't have enough new stuff compared to the original, and some of the new additions are annoying af (fuck the school levels...). The narrative/context was worse than the original too, servicing the fans got a bit old in a way that the making stars thing of the first game didn't
However some of the new levels were great and very memorable, like the racetrack or the sumo one

Fun foundation for something legitimately good, will try to keep up with the updates

Nice combat and final boss, everything else is just OK

This isn't bad, I am not creative enough for it tho

This game doesn't really know whether it wants to be progression based with base building and fighting or a roguelike with permadeath. Losing 3hours worth of progress because of Deerclops feels pretty bad, permadeath doesn't go very well with the long runs. My friends and I got bored so we dropped it for the time being (maybe forever)

Very atmospheric with good music, but I hate Maridia so much it's unreal

My sister made me and a friend finish the PS2 version 7+ times when we were kids. Despite that, I can't hate this game, it's OK

Fun game with good music. I 1CC'd it but didn't do the Extra stages