I'd say this is where the Skateboarding genre really kicked off for most people, and I keep my GBC version nearby at all times.

A fun cast of characters, though some might say to its detriment compared to Spyro 2. That may be true, but they were all really fun to play as anyways.

What if we took a Mario Party minigame and made it a whole game

The classic start of one of my all time favourite franchises. Aside from one awful level, this has incredible shooter gameplay, atmosphere, voice acting, and SHOOTDODGE

Very weird and strange (so, fitting for Wario) and while I didn't really jive with it personally, I definitely respect the series and think it should get another shot.

This is it. THE best, and probably always will be, horror game of all time.

Outstanding improvements in visuals and gameplay in every regard over the original. Poignant story that very much still applies today. Raiden is cool.

When I finally played it, I found it to be pretty rough. Copy and pasted level design, more backtracking than a Metroidvania, and weird acceleration on movement. Still, there is something to be said about the start of this monumental FPS franchise.

Another game that I only recall bits and pieces of, but as far as Book -> Movie -> Game adaptations go, this is probably one of the better ones.

I never played any of the supposed highlight Twisted Metal games like 2 or Black, but I thought this was a lot of fun using the RC car variants and seeing the funny cutscenes of the Twisted Metal kids. Definitely gave me a strong (PG) impression of the series.