I was going to be harsher on this game due to its controls, but after a certain point I got used to them. They are still bad though, everything that is hard about this game comes from its control scheme.

Moving away from the negatives, this game is super charming. All of the designs are great, especially Roll's, a straight up 10/10. Graphically, this game is still great; the only way I can describe it is as charming. All the characters are fun, and the Bonne family makes for entertaining villains. Considering the era, the dub is surprisingly alright; again, it all helps create this charming quality.

3 hours is enough, I'm tapping out

If I was DmC: Devil May Cry, I would simply be good

I like it. There are a lot of good Pokémon and character designs. The music is strong too. Playing this I even got some new favourite Pokémon like Krookodile and Archeops.

I think having your game be a region with only new Pokémon was an extremely ballsy move and I commend them for it, even if I think it causes some slight problems. By problems I mean stuff like how Elesa's team of three Pokémon has two Emolga. Another weird thing I feel is the first gym being a hard counter to your starter's type, a really neat idea. But they don't really give you anyway to compensate for that on the route to the gym, so some random person has to give you an ugly monkey. Why not have them just be on the route beforehand?

I have never had to try this hard in a Pokemon game before, which I do like. Actually thinking when going against a gym leader or an important character is weirdly novel in Pokemon, at least in the ones I've played. This difficultly does cause a problem in another area; grinding. I am not a fan of how the EXP system works in B&W, with it's harsh level curve on EXP. it just results in things taking longer. I probably would have given this a 8 or even a 9/10 if EXP wasn't like this. Like I never skipped encounters or trainer battles and I was still like 5 levels lower than what they probably wanted for the Ghetis fight.

Also man, they couldn't even pretend Team Plasma wasn't super evil for more than one scene. They're lucky their battle music slaps.

The story is pretty good compared to some other Pokémon games. I get this strong feeling that I would have been way more into it if I had played at a younger age. Especially with the N stuff.

I'm glad I played this, I just hope B&W2 is an improvement whenever I get to it.

Fun game. It goes without saying for a Vanillaware game but it's very pretty. Momohime's story was the better of the two, it was more interesting to me. I didn't get the third endings because it felt like busy work to me.

As a big fan of Part 5, I got a lot out of this. Unfortunately it is also has very bad gameplay.

I love how the game looks and it is interesting to see how they thought characters would sound way before the existence of the anime. But boy does the gameplay have some problems, with things like poor lock-on and bosses doing loops on you.

This is definitely something you would really only get through because you're a fan of Part 5.

This is the best one so far for me. 

The story is great; it felt so good to get all this closure for the Crossbell and Erebonia arcs. It takes a similar premise to Trails in the Sky the 3rd and supercharges it to make an amazing experience. Having the game be three routes was a smart decision; it feels like something is always happening. It also helps remove the feeling of bloat that these games can have at certain points. The new characters in the C route are all instantly great, especially C and Lapis. 

The gameplay is great; it is pretty much CS4 with the new United Front mechanic. A welcomed edition to an already great combat system. This game also significantly reduces the annoying bonus point requirements (called RP in this) found in previous games. Most of the ones found in the story routes are not difficult; they usually just 'beat within X turns' or go to X place. The ones in the Reverie corridor are unmissable, which takes away a lot of the worry. There is also such an excess amount of RP in this that I had over 60 RP more than required to get everything (I did not scan every monster or get every chest). 

Can't wait to see what goes on in the Calvard arc. 

I tried, I really tried but it's so slow, clunky and stilted that I can't. The combat does seem like the best part of this, it has problems but nothing egregious.

I get why that Japanese dude married Miku.

Fun game with great sprite work, sadly it does have some things holding it back. Maps in this game can be nightmare mazes which is made worse by a high encounter rate and a slow battle transitions.

Sometimes the game you hear about being a 10/10 for years is actually a 10/10

I stopped when the sex creep cringe book sung a Reading Rainbow parody