good combat mechs for an indie and fun story. if you have time you should try it.

Repeating fights, no fast travel (only shelter to shelter) but story is very good, atmosphere is good, side case jobs are interesting.

CDPR makes dlc's much better than other companies. Thats for sure. This dlc its a proof.

It's a wonderful journey. Thanks to Larian Studios made this masterpiece.


Good story but even the time when release the mechanics a little bit clunky. If you get used to it a good adventure waits you.

Good story, good shooter. Must play.

Im completed the storyline. And the game cinematics are perfect. Just perfect. Gameplay mechanics workin very well. It was worth waitin.

Game starting very confusing and very slowly. But when play more and more its gettin better. Good story, good gameplay (a little bit fight scenes repeatin itself but its ok)

From down to top its a masterpiece..

It's a good journey. If you love the star wars, even a little bit, you should play.

After the first territory is claimed, you are doin everything again and again and again.. Nemesis system is good but everytime doing same thing for the progressin the main quest is boring. Btw storyline is so stereotype. Sorry bad game design.

last hours are boring but totally fun jrpg game