Things I Dislike About My Favorite Games

Nothing here!

Goddamn the Sun is right
Space Jump gives you an extra jump but only when it feels like it.
Crimson Carnival really should've been split up into two acts, because boy is it single-handedly one of the hardest 3D Sonic levels of all time in part because of its length.

Upgrade system feels out of place, only satisfying stat to upgrade feels like Werehog moves. Should've just been a currency to unlock more of those kinda like in DMC. Just ramp the Werehog difficulty up a smidge to make up for it.
Knuckles' section of Cannon Core can eat my entire ass
So many Pokemon have obscenely late evolution requirements to a point where they would've been better off as single-stagers with no evolution at all. Good luck getting a pre-postgame Hydreigon.
Unfortunate reality is that it's a Gen 4 game and that means it's slow as hell
That thing where I'm just trying to start climbing up a wall but Peppino keeps smacking his face against it instead
Oatchi is a little too overtuned. A little.

It also has the weakest soundtrack of the Pikmin series, sadly.
It's not as open-ended as 1, 2, or 4.
I was having a good run at the end of a day and wanted to carry a heavy object to finish an area off and was randomly one Pikmin short because one of them tripped 2 minutes ago and is off in a corner somewhere.
The fact that you can't start the end-of-game Sky Temple Key hunt until you at least get Dark Visor is annoying, and the fact dimension-shifting equals a long loading screen.

Also Spider Guardian is kind of annoying.
The game is terrified of the idea that the player might get lost so it has an absolute weird amount of rail-roading.

The EMMI are frustrating more than scary.
Being stuck in Luigi's "got a big gem" animation doesn't stop the timer money disappears on and it makes the rare moment of picking up multiple gemstones anxiety-inducing.
Sadly one of the most boring boss lineups in any Kirby game.
World traversal got shallower since the first game, and there's a lot of running back and forth down familiar corridors.
Most enemies flinch when you're punching them and the weirdest ones don't. Big guys and bosses make sense, why the hell is the snowman head robot and the bats the most unflinching mfers ever?
If Mumbo Jumbo doesn't age well, Humba Wumba ages even worse.

As cool as it is to have the entire first game's moveset from word go, it's a little lame a lot of them get obsoleted or otherwise barely used.
Why does everyone call Banjo fat? A) Like that's inherently a bad thing and B) Banjo is jacked, what the hell


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