75 Reviews liked by Voodsood

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The game tries to do a power of friendship thing during the final fight but it also killed off the only friend you make during your travels so at the end the final boss just get jumped by all the shopkeepers 💀

It really makes you FEEL like a bassist.

This game straight up was not ever even in the planning phase why the fuck is it here? This game never existed.

Don’t be fooled by how little of an impact it left and how derivative it ultimately is; this is the best of the Castlevanialikes

its got its flaws from an RPG standpoint as bethesda's games get more and more diluted, but...

there's something deeply special about this game i cant bring myself to go full morrowboomer and say its bad. i love u skyrim

It's sort of like a first person attempt at the RE4 formula while not being anywhere near as good as RE4 or it's remake, still kinda fun. It lacks the replayability of past games and Ethan was fine as a blank self-insert protag in 7 but trying to make him an actual character didn't work at all as he's not very interesting or as captivating as past protagonists.



I didn't play this per se but I made some IRL friends do so.
It was very funny. They were very mad.

These stages are too damn long!

Regardless, this music is spectacular, and the gameplay is pretty fun even tho Hyrdrocity Zone is the worst Sonic level I've ever played (yet)

One of those games from my childhood that I had such a fondness for, that did not age well at all. At the start of the year I had a couple goals that I set out to complete, this is one of the final goals, Play through the Devil May Cry series (again).

It's serviceable, and overall still a fun game to go through. I just know that now I don't ever really need to go back to this or the second game ever again.

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

A deconstruction of the frivolous form of escapism that superheroes provide

While yes, there is not explicit Dr. Light/Dr. Wily yaoi, the impossible odds an corrupt society that Zero faces against reflect my own experiences of fighting for Dr. Light/Dr. Wily yaoi, making this one of the Megaman franchise’s strongest offerings