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22 hrs ago

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1 day ago

1 day ago

Eithi completed Saya no Uta

2 days ago

Elephant_Parade reviewed Shining in the Darkness
Really boring and basic DRPG; worth downloading just to see the cute NPC facial animations (very impressive for the era and moe even today!), but not worth playing in full.

2 days ago

Elephant_Parade completed Shining Soul
This game honestly doesn't feel quite finished. There's this ninja NPC who shows up in town throughout the first half of the game, appearing in different places and handing out an item if spoken to, and in the back half he just isn't there.

2 days ago

3 days ago

Elephant_Parade completed Super Mario Bros. 3
Good game, but I think it benefits more from the All-Stars remaster than the other NES Marios. This version visibly strains against the limits of the console—garbage pops up on the edge of the screen, sprites disappear near the top (very painful in a couple of places), sound effects override part of the BGM—in a way the other games don't. And whereas their remasters have a very different style from the originals, All-Stars preserves SMB3's almost exactly.

3 days ago

4 days ago

Elephant_Parade completed Last Epoch
The skill system, which gives each active skill its own mini-skill-tree with interesting little nodes, is cool. I enjoyed turning my meteor into a meteor shower, making my glacier attack into an MP battery, and so on. More importantly, this is the only Diablolike I've ever played where I've consistently used every skill on my skill bar—you're limited to five skills at a time, but you can actually use all of them.

For a game blatantly inspired by Chrono Trigger, it makes very poor use of time travel; rather than hop back and forth between eras, you do each in one go, spending 2-3 acts there before jumping to the next. This is kind of problematic because two of the three main eras' enemy pools are thematically monotonous: Imperial is all skeletons and Ruined is all eldritch abominations. Seriously, it felt like I was fighting skeletons for five hours.

Compared to its peers, particularly Path of Exile, it's visibly rough around the edges in every area. The story is bad, the voice acting is abominable, the monster designs are a bit uninspired, some enemy death animations consist of the model ragdolling awkwardly to the ground—the list goes on.

On the other hand, unlike Path of Exile, it doesn't continuously kick the player in the balls. The passive skill tree is much simpler; the bite-sized active skill trees are handed out piecemeal (you can select one skill to customize near the start, a second a bit later, and so on until you have five). Passive respecs are dirt cheap; active respecs are a bit painful to recover from early on, but essentially free by endgame. Endgame, by the way, isn't a massive difficulty spike that stomps you into the ground if you aren't following a build guide, which is another big plus!

I beat all nine acts and cleared all the timelines, but I haven't done any of the post-postgame stuff yet.

4 days ago

Eithi finished Doom Eternal

4 days ago

Eithi completed Doom Eternal

4 days ago

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