Secretly the best Prime game, possibly my favorite Metroid game in terms of story. Feels like a polished redo of the previous game. Plagued my 10 year old brain with nightmares when it came out. Still suffer from that to this day

All of Metroids strengths are amplified in 3 dimensions, as now you get to be directly faced with the environment you are in. In this game, you cure a planet of Cancer and I for some reason think thats beautiful

Probably the game i have replayed the most. Excellent game, flawed only by being a followup to a perfect ending. I do not care even one bit about it being "too linear" as imo i just play the games one single way every single time so it doesn't matter to me

All time classic with THE best final act of any video game I have ever played. A culmination of 3 games worth of story only silent spoken and it beats everything from Final Fantasy 6 all the way to The Witcher 3 in terms of impact. Still the best Metroidvania game, proving RPG mechanics are a (fun!) crutch to this core style of game

The first game i ever beat, the first game to scare me, to make me understand storytelling in games, and the first game to make me cry. A truly fantastic final boss of an angry mother trying to protect her last child and a uniquely beautiful ending afterwards. This was 1991 and it was pushing the medium of storytelling forward light-years without saying a word

Old and musty as fuck but still worth playing. Spend a weekend poking your way through it and you will be hypnotically engaged, despite the general NES Nonsense of it. Still has my favorite ending theme of any Metroid game

Excellent Pokémon clone, equally excellent classic Final Fantasy. Its anime as hell story super charges both the humor and the melodrama while paying tribute to a legendary series in the dumbest most Ready Player One way possible. The extremely good kind of junk food