Thank god it's not a fucking Soulslike

A really tightly made and concise 3D puzzle platformer. More about exploring and unraveling than testing your skills. Enjoyed every second of it

Was gonna give it 3 stars, but fuck it. I had a good time!

Very good groundwork for a new direction the series could go in and beats the everloving shit out of Star Allies, but also still can't quite compete with Robobot as a full package imo

Like a pretty fun mobile/arcade game

Holds up remarkably well, but also is definitely still firmly an 8-bit RPG. My only hot take is that I prefer it to the remakes.

Wanna play all of the bad parts of FF AND DQ and none of the good parts?

Doesn't get good until more than 10 hours in and also looks like a DS game still but still the best Pokemon game ever made

Great characters, extremely tedious gameplay. Might be worth beating purely for more CJ, but I think I got the gist of it after about 5 or 6 hours. No hard feelings though, I understand the purpose of this game and am still eagerly awaiting the true Eiyuden Chronicles despite this being so mid. If you haven't played Suikoden 2? Dude, you should absolutely jump up that shit ASAP

Undeniably weird and jank, especially in the modern remaster, but undeniably full of heart and weird pathos. Any platformer that pulls the rug from under you and makes you cry at the end gets a thumbs up from me!

Fun piece of DS Mid. Worth sinking the 20 or so hours in to while you watch YouTube in the background. JUST good enough in places to come recommended. 95% of my enjoyment came from the ridiculous Mysticism/Pseudo Science elements, as I am a suckered for that. You even fight a Cabal of Elites, like QAnon told us all about!

Tower of Heaven but it costs money

The single best Castlevania game. Like 50% as good as Super Metroid.