so before i said i like bloodborne more than this game. I WAS WRONG THIS GAME IS WAY BETTER THAN BLOODBORNE!! wow, this is just...a masterpiece. made me want to tear my friggin eyes out but holy mosus, i have never played a game as satisfying to dominate as this. easily the best level design i have ever seen in a video game. amazing story. great characters, and of course, top notch boss fights (except the bed of chaos, that piece of shit can suck hollow nuts) Manus was probably my favourite fight, and no joke, I beat him first try. in fact, i beat every dlc boss first try...i do believe i have gotten gud. 10/10.

better gameplay, venom powers are fun as hell, but the story sucks. after a while, i just started playing for the gameplay. still good, but the story is dissapointingly bad.

insane level design. this game pisses me off to high heaven but god dang do i like playing it.

getting through it. although i suck at fromsoft games, i sure as hell like them, even though ive only played this and dark souls 1. finally beat the blood starved beast after a million tries, and i learned to never get cocky with these games. really good so far. in fact, i think i like it more than dark souls 1.

fantastic, but has a less compelling and entertaining story in my opinion. characters are also less likeable and memorable, besides the returning characters from kotor 1, Kreia and maybe Darth Nihilus. leveling is way better, using force powers is way more satisfying. classes are handled better, prestige classes are a great addition as well. even though Nihilus is really cool and creepy, he almost has no depth as a real character. the Exile almost has no connection to Nihilus like Revan does to Malak in the first game. some companions are completely forgettable. the deeper look into the lore was fantastic, taking a new, darker look at the force and the sith and jedi was a great idea. i just wish we got to know Nihilus better. maybe we even could have met him earlier in the game? i know the game is unfinished, but still. all in all, gameplay and leveling is better, but most of the characters and parts of the story really didnt do it for me. However, the writing and dialogue are pretty fantastic. 9.5/10.

finally got back to logging games. "recently" beat this again, and i started a new playthrough as well. tbh, i think this second playthrough was even better. i did a ton of companion quests, and took more time with the game. didnt complete Missions quest cause i entered the sand people base before talking to her brothers girlfriend, but i know what happens so its fine. this playthrough really made me happy, and solidified this game as my all time favorite. never thought i would feel this way about a game. 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/5

Don't remember when I beat this, but I think it was some time in October. Anyway, this was a really fantastic expansion for a game that was probably my fav of 2020. Sarugami Armor is broken ngl.

This is a weird one. Whenever I think about this game, I love it, I want to love it even more, but when I actually start remembering what this game was, I start getting pissed off. This is not a bad game, nor a good one, but it's not decent. It's just there.

Didn't actually play this, but I watched my father play it. Pretty much got a gameplay experience just outta that to be honest. Certified tearjerker.

That's right, played it on Xbox One. And you know what? I quite liked this game. Looking past the bugs and glitches there is a game I would truly adore if, well, there weren't nearly as many bugs and glitches as there were. Love the music, Keanu Reeves is awesome, the world space is fantastic, and I honestly liked the combat. A decent game.

Recently returned to this on my modded playthrough, and man, I missed this game. Absolutely a top 5 fav games ever, love this game.

My favourite DLC for New Vegas. This is saying a lot because Lonesome Road was such a fantastic DLC that I so thoroughly loved, I didn't think anything else would top it. But I was wrong. Old World Blues is pure fun, an endearing tribute and love letter to Sci-Fi B-Movies and a hilarious journey into a bizarre location. Fantastic.

Absolute garbage. A continuation of a story that nobody cared about, and the end result is a boring, annoying DLC that has absolutely no value in terms of story and even pure fun. Terrible.

Really good, but I only really played it for the Metal Blaster. Still has a great story, and some really good atmosphere. Very fun!

My favourite game of 2021, even though I played barely any games this year. Played on Xbox one, ran as smooth as butter.