I need Max and Mona banging like rabbits non-stop but either way masterpiece


This game aged like a fine milk

Trashy Pokemon Company doing everything to milk this franchise no matter what even the card game couldn't be saved, TCGO was good how it is not this completely unnecessary downgrade

I love the "Fight Club" lore of this game

I lost the count of how many times i complete this game to 100%

This game save me when i have a bad time back then in 2018 very special for me

Peak GTA Gameplay, great story

Tururururu, turururu(beat up punks like crazy with a cool power)

Emiya > You fav character
Emiya >>> Overrated Golden boy, Iskandar , edgy kerry boy

Very funny,relaxing and enjoyable that also add more lore to some characters that deserved screen time