Definitivamente não gosto da jogabilidade, pois é bastante repetitiva, mas o enredo e a narrativa são algo especial enquanto a trilha sonora, embora com loops curtíssimos, cria uma atmosfera única. Se você é capaz de aguentar o caminho massante...Vai ter contato com uma experiência rara, mas se dropar recomendo assistir o resto no youtube como fiz

Review in ENG and PT-BR

The game has a few little things that could be better but don't get in the way, but it has 1 real problem:
The bosses are bad. There is one exception called "Galamoth" that is really challenging and fun.
Other than that, it's an SIGNIFICANT game for the history of video games that is a lot of fun with excellent art direction and soundtrack.

O jogo tem uns negocinhos que poderiam ser melhores mas não atrapalham, porém ele têm 1 problema real:
Os boss são ruins. Existe uma exceção que se chama "Galamoth", este é realmente desafiador e divertido.
Fora isso, é um jogo IMPORTANTÍSSIMO para a história dos video games que é muito divertido com excelente direção de arte e trilha sonora.

The brightness of this game is its combat system. The way it allows the player, and his enemies, to take advantage of it is incredible. Both the player can destroy their enemies and enemies can destroy the player due to minimal errors, making the game's difficulty more strategic and tactical than based on grinding (as it is in most jrpgs).

As for the plot, it is incomplete, there is no other way to describe it so it is a fact. Although the game has 6 possible endings, one of them is unique because it requires more things from the player, besides being noticeably more difficult and being the only way to face all the bosses of the game, this ending being considered as canonical by the community and the universe of SMT now that SMT V, apparently will continue what started with "True Demon Ending".

One point I would like to highlight is the art direction of this game, perhaps it is the peak of Kaneko? Everything is perfect, the atmosphere is melancholy and "invasive", causing discomfort / aversion. Nocturne does not take place in a mere post-apocalypse, but in an epilogue of our world.

Muito bom, mas meu perfeccionismo n me deixa seguir as fases com alguém morto, logo eu reiniciava as fases até passar de forma perfeita, ficando puto no processo