I've been keeping this game in my backlog for years now and the year I choose to play it, it gets a Nintendo Switch Remaster! Perfect timing! I had an absolute blast with this game. Story was great, gameplay was super fun and satisfying, great bosses, great puzzles and amazing level designs. I've only played two other Metroid titles before this (Samus Returns and Dread) and this is without doubt the best of the 3 I've played. There's just something so satisfying and fitting about a first person Metroid game, being in Samus' helmet really makes a HUGE difference for these games. I really hope they Remaster 2 & 3 while we wait for Metroid Prime 4... As I'm sure we'll have a lot of time to work with...

Starfield has been a long time coming for me.
Once I found out Bethesda was making a brand new title with such a different and unique concept, I was very excited. I’m a huge fan of theirs with Fallout 3 and Skyrim being the big two and although Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian and not Bethesda, that’s another one I consider one of my favorites and one of the reasons why Starfield was so anticipated for me.

With that said, Starfield disappointed me. It didn't bring enough to the table, and nothing really stood out to me unfortunately... I'm not saying it didn't give me anything because it did, Starfield delivered some good stuff. It just doesn't feel new... There was so much more they could've done here and that was a massive let down.

Man... This game not only delivered one of the most unique and beautifully crafted world's I've ever seen but also an incredibly heartwarming story that I couldn't get enough of!

I want more games like this so badly!

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor delivers a gripping narrative from beginning to end, however, It does let off the gas a bit around the half way point but picks up BIG time in the final stretch!

This game did unfortunately have performance issues that constantly remained an issue during my entire play through. It wasn’t anything too game breaking but it was definitely annoying.
Outside of that, I loved everything about Jedi: Survivor. I’m super invested in Cal’s journey along with these characters and I cannot wait to continue this story.

I think this is definitely one of those games where a majority of the players that played, allowed the negative reviews to impact their judgement...
This game was honestly fine. Redfall delivered quite a bit of really good stuff. The level designs were great, along with sick boss fights, a really fun combat system and a fairly decent story.
It definitely had some flaws but none were bad enough to the point it made the game feel "completely broken" like the general public put it out to be?

I definitely say give this game a go, especially in co-op if you can... I played this with my man @ConnerW and we had a blast from start to finish, and made some funny and great memories here!

A magical experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life... From roaming the halls of Hogwarts, to the streets of Hogsmeade, to the trails of the Forbidden Forest and the skies of Poidsear Coast, Hogwarts Legacy delivered on almost every aspect.

Team Ninja definitely knows what they're doing when it comes to creating a souls-like game but, the lack of originality still remains a huge issue for some of their titles and this is one of them... While Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty delivered with its incredibly addicting combat system, challenging bosses and variety of weapons it struggled a lot with it's unsatisfying looting system, (most of its)level designs, performance, unoriginal combat patterns with its bosses/enemies and it relied on it's inspiration to carry it through most of the game which was a huge let down considering how great this story idea was...
I was extremely excited for this game and while it definitely had potential, the execution just wasn't there for me...

Alan Wake 2 is one of those games that comes around once in a lifetime and sets a new standard for gaming, especially in story-telling, horror and visual effects.
This game is an absolute achievement in all three of those aspects...

Keeping it short, I've never played anything like this especially in the horror genre. What Remedy has created here is something very special and unique, and you can tell that this is everything they've learned/made, put it all together in one and heightened it.
I can't wait to see what they bring to the table after this because this was a crazy experience that I'll be thinking about for a long time, man...

I'm doing my part, now you should do yours.
Come and join the Helldivers, you bastards!


I’ve always used Resident Evil 2 (2019) as a prime example of how remakes should be approached but now I believe I’ll be using Dead Space (2023) as another example...

This remake was more than just enhanced visuals and better performance. The changes introduced here made Isaac Clarkes journey to survivor feel brand new mostly due to objectives being significantly different which made the game feel fresh while introducing side missions which gave the Ishimura more life and added more exploration and a brand new ending that sets up this universe in a whole new way. I really hope Motive Studios decides to completely recreate Isaac Clarkes journey through all 3 games because they are approaching this in a brilliant and very unique way and if they choose to do that, I’m all aboard for it.

Lies of P was highly anticipated for me and it still came through and blew all expectations I had for it...

I'm honestly shocked that this wasn't done sooner because these characters, this story along with the atmosphere and the world all combine perfectly for a true soulslike experience that feels completely new and original, and for me that was a huge relief because that's something that's lacked in mostly all soulslike games leading up to this.
It definitely has it's moments where you can clearly feel it's inspiration but it doesn't rely on it constantly.
The enemies, the bosses, the combat, the looting system, the side quests, the main quests and all in between definitely follow that beloved FromSoftware formula but it does it so well that it feels like something entirely new and i have to give Neowiz Games and Round 8 Studio's props for that because that is not an easy task to pull off.

With that said, Lies of P was a nearly perfect experience for me and will go down as one of my favorites of the year and is without doubt the best non-FromSoftware soulslike game I've ever played...

I’m addicted to everything about this game.
The MMORPG-like setting, the world, the dungeons, the World Tier system, the bosses, the campaign, the side missions, the grind you put into your characters build, the satisfaction that comes with each progression, the trial and error, the rewarding feeling of finishing challenges and so much more. It’s just so damn good.

The online experience is the big winner here though! These past three weeks have been an absolute blast online rather it’s been playing by myself in a realm, with friends/family or random players online in my realm. The community has been great so far and also extremely helpful which has been nice considering this is my first Diablo game.

I don’t see myself putting the controller down on this anytime soon. I’m so invested in my character and I’m very much looking forward to the next 5 years of content to come!


I still stand by my word that Team Ico is one of the very best in terms of character development and story telling. They’re absolute masters at it and have cemented that after I finally got to experience one of the games that started it all for them.

For a game that came out in 2001 and to have a story this driven and told on the level it did was absolutely incredible. It was so ahead of it’s time that it was almost unreal at times rather that was from a visual, performance or story telling standpoint. I was in shock at times and I cannot even begin to imagine what that experience was like for people playing it when it first came out.

I did feel like this story should’ve been expanded out a bit more though. I would’ve loved to have an extra 2-4 hours with this character.

And this may sound bold to a lot but as someone who highly supports video game remakes, I’d love a remake of this game at some point. I think this is a story and world that deserves to be remade, told and shared to the world all over again.

I love the direction Nintendo went here. They stayed true to everything we love about Mario and made changes for a better experience and doing so made a game I’ve been playing my whole life feel brand new and I can’t praise them enough for that. This game feels so different from every other Mario game from the moment you press play, see the brand new art style, hear the new sound track and everything else in between!

Mario Wonder was a magical and at times surreal experience for me that is without doubt one of my favorite games of 2023.