A very fun and unique co-op game. My friend and I had a blast playing through it together. The story was very heartwarming.

Really puts the survival in survival horror. I loved watching this game grow over the years and I have many fond memories playing it solo or with friends. The story is very fun to uncover and I love building cool bases and exploring dangerous caves. One of the best survival games of all time for sure.

An Evangelion rhythm game? Really? Was there a market for this? This is such a niche thing that I can't believe it was made. It's a decent rhythm game though, in no small part thanks to Evangelion's amazing soundtrack. It gets a little difficult actually.

This was COD's peak in my opinion. Black Ops 2 has one of the best campaigns in the series, boasting player choices that affect one of 8 different endings, and it features some of the franchise's best written characters. The zombies mode, while certainly unique and fun in its own way, was a bit of a step down from previous titles. However, Black Ops 2 does have some great maps like Town and Mob Of The Dead. The multiplayer was perfect as well, full of unique and fun weapons. The multiplayer maps were also some of the best in the franchise, with notable ones like Hijacked, Raid, or Standoff. This game was fantastic back when it came out, but it's pretty dead now.

Pretty fun once you learn the controls. Makes me wish we would get a modern Evangelion fighting game. As far as Smash Bros clones go, this one isn't too bad. Would probably be better if I spoke Japanese and could understand what is being said.

Resident Evil 4 DID NOT need a remake, but as far as remakes go, this is one of the best. It looks like Capcom actually listened to the criticisms that fans had about the Resident Evil 3 remake, because this game is simply incredible. It stayed incredibly faithful to the original, while adding new content to make it fresh and enjoyable. This is easily one of the best Resident Evil games, and I highly recommend you play both the original RE4 and the remake. I really hope Resident Evil 5 is the next to get remade! Probably my GOTY for 2023.

A sandbox with seemingly infinite possibilities, however the monotony of mining, crafting, and building will get boring very fast especially if you aren't playing with friends. For a game with such a large world, it sure feels empty. You'll come across cookie-cutter villages scattered across the map, or if you're lucky you'll find a special structure like a mineshaft or a pillager outpost. But other than that, there is no real incentive to continue playing after you explore the various special structures, the Nether, and the End. I grew up with this game too, but I just don't see the same magic that many others do.

I played Cyberpunk 2077 on release day back in 2020 and I experienced no game breaking bugs, just a few small graphical glitches. Despite the fact that the game was unoptimized, I had an amazing time.

Cyberpunk was my most anticipated gaming release of all time, and it did not disappoint. The gameplay is very fun; from slicing enemies with a katana while using my Sandevistan, to sneaking into hostile territory, to just driving around - this game has it all. On top of that, the story is simply one-of-a-kind and unforgettable. The dynamic between V and Johnny is really great and I love the choices you as the player get to make. To this day, this is the only video game I have ever completed 100%.

I wish more people would give this game a chance, especially with the new updates and DLCs.

An absolutely beautiful game in both graphics and story. It's so much more than just a "walking simulator", as critics like to call it. This game had such a big impact on my life and I'm very glad I got to play it.

What could I even say that hasn't already been said about Skyrim? Easily my favorite game of all time due to its near infinite replay-ability, incredible modding community, and just all around fun gameplay. I have yet to have found a game that has even come close to beating Skyrim as the king of RPGs.

It's so impressive that a game like Silent Hill was made for the original PlayStation. This game is a horror masterpiece and still holds up surprisingly well to this day. Terrifying locales, monstrous enemies, and a very good story which boasts an impressive 5 endings.

If someone ever says to you "video games are not art", have them play Silent Hill 2.

Silent Hill 2 is without a doubt the greatest game ever made, and I will die on that hill. It's horrifying, thought provoking, even poetic in a way. It may not be the best in terms of gameplay or graphics, but the game's story is one of the greatest ever told and it deserves so much more recognition. There were multiple times throughout my playthrough where I had to stop playing because I was genuinely so unnerved or I broke down crying.

I first played Silent Hill 2 in December of 2022. The game had already been spoiled for me, but I still enjoyed playing it. The sense of dread that crept over me in areas like the hotel and prison were simply phenomenal. Very few horror games genuinely scare me, but Silent Hill 2 was just so good at making me feel uneasy. The atmosphere is on point and has yet to be rivalled by any game outside of the Silent Hill franchise. On top of that, the soundtrack is incredible, and was composed by one of my favorite composers Akira Yamaoka, who is a master of horror game OSTs. The game's sound design in general is simply incredible.

The story is also easily one of the best video game stories ever told. You grow to really care about James and the other characters. I'm happy with the ending I got ("Leave") as it was one of the more happier endings.

Honestly, I was very surprised by this game. I ended up really enjoying my playthrough. While not a traditional Silent Hill game, Shattered Memories was still very fun. It has some really cool gameplay mechanics and some honestly creepy locations and enemies. If you're looking for a more relaxed survival horror experience, look no further than this underrated gem.

So much easier than the first game. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but there was almost no challenge and most of the boss fights sucked. The final boss however was amazing.