Some of the most fun and innovative gameplay I've seen in years. This is my first entry into the Metal Gear series, and while I didn't understand much of the story, I enjoyed it thoroughly. The missions can get a little repetitive, but the fun gameplay more than makes up for it. Metal Gear just gained a new fan.

I can see why people don't like this one but I think it's in my top 3 Halo games. Very fun gameplay and finally we get sprinting as a base mechanic in a Halo game. The story was actually good too, which I did not expect.

A little too much humor for my liking, but overall it was another fantastic entry to the Halo series. Fun gunplay and I also like the addition of the Visr mechanic.

Halo at its best. Arbiter and Master Chief taking on the Flood and the Covenant like the gigachads they are. An amazing and fun co-op experience that every gamer should try once.

A big step up from CE in terms of gameplay itself. The Anniversary graphics also look very good. The dialogue is pretty cheesy and that's a bit of a turn off for me personally, but if you can look past that, this is probably a perfect FPS campaign.

A decent FPS especially for its time, but once the Flood show up this game ups the difficulty like crazy. The last half of the game was so difficult even on normal that we had no choice but to just run past most enemies, and even that was tough to do.

My first introduction to Halo. A fantastic FPS game from start to finish.

I had the pleasure of playing this on an actual PS2 for the first time and I loved it. The Silent Hill trilogy is easily a masterpiece from start to finish. My personal ranking would be Silent Hill 2, 1, then 3.

I think my favorite part about this game is the monster designs, which were easily some of the creepiest in the entire franchise. I think SH2 had a better atmosphere, but this game had some really great locations such as my personal favorite the Borley Haunted Mansion. The Chapel was by far my least favorite location and I did not enjoy that section of the game.

The boss fights were ok, I didn't really think they were anything special. The puzzles weren't really too hard either but I played on normal so maybe that's why.

One cool thing I noticed is that I used guns here more than I did in SH2.

A fine albeit severely lacking entry to the Sims series. EA's disgusting DLC policy coupled with its insulting barebones gameplay at launch are what killed this game. There is fun to be had in the base game, but not much. You'd have to pay hundreds of dollars for the full experience or you could just play the Sims 2 or 3.

I just cannot see the appeal behind this game.

A lot of people love this game, which I respect, but I find the game to be nothing special. I hate most competitive games. The community is incredibly toxic, especially to new players, which is one of the reasons why I have so little time spent in game. The gunplay is fun when it wants to be, but overall really standard and nothing new. Up to you if you want to play it, this is just my humble opinion. Not a fan. There are far better fps games out there.

A very fun and unique co-op game. My friend and I had a blast playing through it together. The story was very heartwarming.

Really puts the survival in survival horror. I loved watching this game grow over the years and I have many fond memories playing it solo or with friends. The story is very fun to uncover and I love building cool bases and exploring dangerous caves. One of the best survival games of all time for sure.

An Evangelion rhythm game? Really? Was there a market for this? This is such a niche thing that I can't believe it was made. It's a decent rhythm game though, in no small part thanks to Evangelion's amazing soundtrack. It gets a little difficult actually.

This was COD's peak in my opinion. Black Ops 2 has one of the best campaigns in the series, boasting player choices that affect one of 8 different endings, and it features some of the franchise's best written characters. The zombies mode, while certainly unique and fun in its own way, was a bit of a step down from previous titles. However, Black Ops 2 does have some great maps like Town and Mob Of The Dead. The multiplayer was perfect as well, full of unique and fun weapons. The multiplayer maps were also some of the best in the franchise, with notable ones like Hijacked, Raid, or Standoff. This game was fantastic back when it came out, but it's pretty dead now.

Pretty fun once you learn the controls. Makes me wish we would get a modern Evangelion fighting game. As far as Smash Bros clones go, this one isn't too bad. Would probably be better if I spoke Japanese and could understand what is being said.