I got upset at the lack of sonic music in the previous one so I decided to do the inverse.
Some of these stretch the prompts a bit but what can you do. I managed to basically not repeat games as well!
Any sonic music enthusiats feel free to steal the idea I wanna see what others put together.

Music from a licensed game
Angel Island -SSBB RMX-

The only sonic remix in smash but it's fine cos it's hot
Town / village music
Shamar (Day)
16-bit music
Marble Garden Zone

That stanky genesis bass 👌😩
8-bit music
Bridge Zone

Still hits to this day
Music you constantly have stuck in your head
Advertise (KIYO)
Music from a game you haven't played
Speed Jungle Act 2

They gotta let Hidenori Shoji do more Sonic bro
Music from a handheld game

Wish I grew up with this instead of sonic chronicles
Title screen music
Un-gravitify ~ Electro Extended (Instrumental)

Technically main menu and not title screen but fuck you this shit is baller !!!
Music from a console exclusive series
Theme of Sand Ruins
Music from a racing game
Can You Feel the Sunshine

Music that makes you nostalgic
Intro theme
Cover of music by a different artist
Press Garden Zone (Funk Fiction Remix)

The Kabuki scream is so funny
Music you like from a game you don't like
Honeycomb Highway

Well this one is the easiest to find something for lmao
Music you never get tired of
Death Egg Zone

Same as above ^_^
Credits music
Ending Medley

Some might say this is a cop out, I think it's fitting
Boss battle music

Popular pick, for good reason
Music that makes you sad
Sunset Heights

Remembering that this game exists does make me sad I guess
RPG Battle Music
Boss Battle

Contrary to popular belief, the battle themes in this are not complete wank.
Music you associate with frustration
Wacky Workbench (JP)

The WORST classic sonic stage but as usual the music slaps
Music featuring vocals
Fly In The Freedom
Hub world / overworld music
Welcome to Station Square

Adventure Era Embodied
Final boss music
The Final Fight

I love this one for how atypical of a final boss theme it is.
Music from a shooter
Circus Park

Silly circus themes are my biggest guilty pleasure
Music that makes you feel relaxed
Evening Star
Music from an indie game
Trap Hideout 1

This counts, right?
Puzzle game music
2-Player Vs.

No wonder they brought this back in mania


2 months ago

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2 months ago

I forgot how hard Zero Gravity's menu themes goes, also love the concept of doing a series specific one of these.

2 months ago

@VSLazer yeah I just thought sonic totally lends itself the best for this I think with how much it's known for its music and just how many entries there are. Most other series you'd probably have to repeat games but that doesn't mean you can't do it!

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