I litteraly only played this game for the soundtrack...and now, its one of my favorite game of all time... gaming is so weird

Seriously tho, not only the presentation is incredible ( the excellent music, the colorful and full of life graphism, the great animation of the character) but this game is incredible to play: the moveset of kirby and how he control are on point and make him a blast to play, the level design is varied, sometimes simple, but sweet, with great gimmick that distinguish one level to the other...but the two main force of this one are, firstly, the combining powerupp gimmick, that make this game stand out even more, sith all the incredible combinaison you will be able to pull off, and secondly, the fact that this game isnt fully a 3d game style, but more like a 2.5 d game...making it stands out even more

By the way, did i mention that world 5 of this game is litteraly a commentary of our society about how mass industrialisation might kill all of us? I sure didnt expect that in Kirby, but hey, thats sakurai's Magic

The only complain i have is that sometimes, the crystal shard are rly tedious to collect...but other than that, it a almost flawless experience

This game is honestly one of the most underrated metroid game out there...but at the same time, it isnt...let me explain

If you want to review this game as a regular game: its fantastic: presentation is incredible for the Wii, with a incredible soundtrack to keep you on board, the level design and puzzle geniously design and are accentuated by the gameplay of samus, who, for the most part, control rly great (except in some motion control instance). This game, as a all, is great

The main problem of this game tho, is that, while its a great game, its also not a great METROID game: for 3 main reason: firstly, the game is shockingly easy: the boss fight, for instance, are rly well designed, but are for the most part a jock to fight, and the combat overall, while satisfying, is rly easy. Secondly, while the planet have a amazing ambiance, that will make you feel completely alone, all of that is sadly thrown out of the window due to the fact that you are always helped or giving indication by someone in the game (aurora or the colonel, for instance), and this allow me to jump on the third reason why the game isnt a great metroid game: the exploration. Ok, some item are rly well hidden, but for the most part, the game love to give indications to where to go, and that kill this thrilling sensation of finding item or even just where to go(this tendance kinda disappear in the late game tho), i can also quickly mention all the satellite, that reveal all the emplacement of the item, but honestly, they are completely optional and were smartly implemented, so i actually rly like them

So in conclusion, while i love this game, i cant say this necessary a excellent METROID game. Just a excellent game

On a quick note, the story and concept were pretty good, and remain the only metroid game with a good story on the Wii...DOESNT IT, OTHER M? I HAD A BLAST WHEN I HAD TO KILL DUMBFUCK METROID, AND FREEZING ALL OF THEM TO DEATH

Fall guys...so apparently, it came back from the dead...hey, guess im gonna quickly review it then

The game is fun and all, it look decent i Guess, sound rly bland...But have a rly good concept to mix total Wipeout with a battle Royal, sadly the game is painfully unreplayable and became repetitive quickly, simply because the game consist of just 5 round of the same 15 minigame...thats not a lot for a online game like this one, ngl

I mean, it remain fun, but honestly, i think this game is just gonna be forgotten about in the end of...lets say, at best, september, and will only came back at the next summer

Oh boy, do I not enjoy this game

Look, this game...is just poorly designed to me : sure the concept is cute, the copy mecanic is very well implemented, the gimmicks are solid and sometimes, the level design is really enjoyable, but men, most of the level design isnt good: often Time, a section will require a powerup to clean it, but you may die, and lose the powerup, making the levl way more frustating that it should be, and sometimes, the level design doesnt go well with the physics, physics who are really inconsistent to me: sometimes, they will allow me to do what the game told me it will do (with the dot path), but sometimes, it just doesnt for some reason, and kirby will fly past the enemy or the course

I didnt enjoy my time with the game, thats it...and yet i completed it...and all i got was a piss easy king dedede fight


You know, i remember playing this game with the family, and having fun like crazy with them...so this is a game that have a little place in my heart of gamer...and im kinda nostalgic to it

But it doesnt excuse the fact that this is terrible

Its litteraly shovelware quality, what else can i say? It use a lot of motion control that barely work, has a...weird art style...idk why i always thought that the game looks weird...the game has 36 minigame, which seems to be a lot...but in reality, they all bland in

Why have i decided to review this again?

Oh yeah, i rember: the european box art show a man lifting a car with his head...BUT ITS NOT IN THE GAME? IM SUPER DISAPPOINTED AND MY DAY IS RUINED

This game is honestly just kinda there: its competent, sure, but its just a other collection of minigame on the Wii...but it features the rabbids...so thats a big no no.

The game selection is fine...but nothing rly stands out, same for the visual, the music, and litteraly everything...

I have fun memory with it, but it doesnt justify blandness


I used to be excited by this crap! I used to be hooked by the amazing concept of this game! I was so fucking happy when i originally install this...but all i had was a unfinished, laggy, and glitchy mess...i litteraly played 5 minute of it before quitting...it was litteraly THAT bad (the game look super simple, and yet ran at 10 FPS)

I used to thought that it was my computers fault, but NO!

Its just that this game is a terrible, buggy, unfinished mess

It costed 10 euro...and it was 10 euro wasted on a garbage product

There is nothing to say, its not funny Bad, like the other game i put 0,5 star so far

Its just bad


I found you... fucking piece of shit

Finally, i will be able to review you

Idk why i wanted to make a review on you specifically, but...i finally did

Now, i can finally say that you are the biggest showelvare scam i ever seen

You only had 6 truly different minigame, and the other one were litteraly skin swap at a higher level than crash Bash

You are ugly, you sound Bad, you are useless...and yet, i wanted to review you, despite the fact that there is nothing to say about you

But now that i finally did, now that i finally found you in this website and that put you a warranted 0.5 star, i feel...emptyness

I dont need to live anymore, im free

Now im gonna grab a rope...and just tie my tie with it, because im late for work, but i dont know how to tie a tie properly

Goodbye, piece of shit of game i always hated, now i am finally free from your shadow

Little nightmare 2 is better than the first one...thats basically it: i mean the visual and atmosphere are stellar here, the story is way more interesting, the overvariety of gameplay, gimmick and boss are just ridiculous, and the games controls a little bit better...and yet, even tho this games is better that the first one, i found it way less scary that ln1, i cant find why exacty, but idk, there is something about this boat in ln1 who make it more... terrifying, the town in ln2, is prettier, but feels more as a background. Also this games is still very and is oddly less good the more you travers it (like, my favorite enemy was the hunter, the first one in the whole games) but oh well, this is still amazing games

What a game.

Even though i haven't played all the metroid game yet, I think I can still confidently say that this...is the peak of the franchise.

The original managed to make the perfect conversion of a metroid game in the 3rd dimensions...and this remaster... basically keep every great about the original, but wrap everything with a gorgeous overall of the visual...to the point that I can't consider this game a simple remaster...It's a straight up remake.

This games world...is just incredible to explore. Every corner of it feels natural and yet so well design with dozens of things to discover or to come back to later on in the game with new abilities or knowledge to master this incredible masterclass of a world design.

Samus just feel great to control. Aside for some weird but extremely rare problem with the physics, this game makes controlling her so immersive and satisfying to boot. And every single ability you unlock are useful in their own way: between the graplin hook or the gravity ball that allow you more freedom to explore the world, the various weapon with theirs pros and cons, the different kind of vision you can use for puzzle or even in combat to spot certain enemy...this game has it all.

Also, unlike metroid prime 3 (that I also loved btw), this game give you so much more freedom about how you will explore this world. As soon as you unlock one ability, 3 doors opens, and each door will leads you to other doors that may or may not great you reserve or new ability for you to play with.

And the bossfight are fantastic, and the music immersive and yet memorable at the same time. And the enemy variety is great and god, this game is just fantastic.

Ultimately, it still have some issue, like the not always satisfying hunt for the artifact, or the rather simple enemy encounter that, while fun, can be kinda tedious sometimes, but other than that, this game is flawless.

And If this serv has some kind of teaser for metroid prime 4...omg...

This game, for some reason, kinda intrigued me for a long time, so, obviously, i had to emulate it to see why i was

And after playing it...it was alright

Sonic control pretty decently and he is enjoyable to play in those sort of remix of level from sonic 1 and especially 2 (something odd that i noticed is that sonic 3 music are the one remixed in this game, oddly enough): we have a remix of green hill, chemical plant, casino night, aquatic ruin, sky chase, wing fortress and a sort of mix between scrap brain and metropolis zone

So basically this game is doing a similar thing that sonic mania and....sonic 4... ugggghhhh

Fortunatly, the level design is decent in this game, not amazing, but this game made the smart move to take only one zone from sonic one (the only good one), and to not entirely take metropolis, so yeah, well played dev

This game is honestly kinda cool, but its about it, its just a nice but really short game, that doesnt have a lot of issue (except the hitbox detection that can be really jank in some place), but doesnt have outstanding element

Omg there is barely any strategy in this.

Between the very limited board, in both mechanics, design and number of board, how ridiculously easy it is to grab a star in this, how long and tedious the game feels to play and the minigames who overtake the entire thing, there is barely any reason to play the board game mode. Its just too random and lacking.

But idk its still fun and tense. The minigames are fine. Racing to get the star is fine. Its decently engaging...but thats it really

I barely have anything to say really. Its just extremely ok and nothing else.

I dont get the hype behind this one

Sure its a competent game, with a lot of charm, and with a great variety of plant and zombies, and it has some good minigame...but the game is just that, a competent game with a lot of charm, i dont get why people say its better than its actually is

In fact, i would say that i preferred the second instaullment, if it wasnt for the usual microtransaction bullshit

And...thats it really, its a cute tower defense mix with other genre

Nothing less, but nothing more either

When i first saw the game, i was blown away! Like, it looked exactly like octopath traveller, on the big first party console, with phenomenal graphism, lighting and music...i was just so READY to play this game !

At first, i thought i would gave it a 4 star, then when i played more, i thought about a 3.5, then a 3....then a 2.5....

Yeah, the only two good part of this game are the presentation and that it feel for the most part like a regular game, and not just a other gacha and boring android game...

Problem is: i realised i really didnt like how slow and boring turn based rpg are, and this one in particular isnt special on the slightest: you got youre usual basic attack, attack than need mana, or the possibily to run away, and...the not as great as i thought multipliar mechanic, that basically consist on a bar charging when you dont use it, and that allow you to do a 2x, or a 3x, or a 4x, depending on what you want to use...

The enemy have weakness, that will cause them to receive more damage, or to be stunt, if you beat them enough time of course, but, at the start of the game, you wont have all the type of attack, some you will need to level up (btw, as usual, the level up system is tedious, and can arbitrary lock you and prevent you from going any further), or...to spend gems...to unlock new character...YAY, THIS GAME HAS A GACHA SYSTEM, HURRAY

So yeah, when i discovered that, my interest for the game basically died, cause, having more character (and of course, leveling them up) is gonna take just enough time to be irritating and giving you the envy to, oh joy, spend ruby to accelerate the process...so in my heart, the game went from being a shockingly good mobile game, to a fucking disappointment

And it doesnt help that not a single part of the story or the character are memorable on the slightest, especially your party, due to the fact that, you know, they couldnt code them any character trait or chemistry because of the damn gacha system

This game is the textbook definition on how a single mechanic can ruin a game


Ok, i know this game looks like a bad game, but...yeah no, youre all right, this game is kinda poodoo

So why am i giving this 7 stars? Well its simple : its just stupidly to mess with it: like, sure, the main story is kinda shit, and loaded with useless character, scapegoat or event that mess with the pacing, and also contain lots of really annoying mission that.. honestly fucking suck in some instance

BUT this game is fun when you just mess around and start to commit random bullshit around the...legitimatly well designed map, map that also is quite large and impressive for a gba game, and yeah, part of the fun come from the jank of the game itself, like, for example, how physics in this game are just wild, and how the ai is just completely stupid....yeah, idk, this game is pretty fun

Is it a good game? Certainly not in the way intended, but despite of all its problems, it managed to remain fun and engaging

It honestly kinda remind me of Borderlands 3 in a sense, where, despite all the garbage that can be found in this game, the gameplay is just so fun that it managed to be good, somehow

Tho Borderlands is legit well design, but thats beside the point

TLDR: this is the worst gta ever made, and i like it