Strangly a great techdemo and game overall. The minigame are simple but effective (except the boat one) and has oddly a lot of replay value

Not a mind blowing game, but still...also Mac


This games is litteraly art

This is one of the only game that i can think of which i dont want to play with the simple, but effective gameplay, but just want to watch everything around, listen to the sound effect and bombastic music

I swear just looking at everything around is chilling as fuck... its like a loffy if you will

I can applaude the devs for the work here... because thats truly one helluva underrated gems

This games was my first "out of the park" kind of games: i was shocked that a horror games actually make me feels stress and fear this much: even while replaying it, im full of stress and i Can feels the danger everythere on this messed up waistland that is The stem : the gameplay is great, even tho the aiming can feels off sometimes and wonderfully built around this semi open worlds fools of contents and easter, even on my fourth playthrought, ive still havent got everything in the games.The rpg element with your stats and weapon and the craft also add a great sense of complexity and strategy on this games, and believe me, you will need a lot of upgrade because this games is brutally difficult: i litteraly died 3 times because of the first zombies of the games in hard mode, but everything is fair, althought the camera can screw you in some exigit places. Yes this games isnt very pretty, even tho the monster are still terrifying here, yes the score only shine at some place (like with the theodore boss fight) and yes the scenario isnt super great, but this games would stay for me a underrated gems

Why this games have such terrible server? Why it have to kind of ruin a games fools of content, great track, great controls and music and fanservice? Why such a satisfaying games, who litteraly destroy the purpose of playing ctr or cnk other than for the nostalgia is ruin by such a little problem? This games is litteraly a desert now, and its only two year old, and that, kind of sad for a game this good

Yup, cuphead is without a doubt really hard...but not a die and retry because the pattern are just so tidly made, the gameplay so precise, and everything just so fun, that i cant say it is a stupid die and retry, because its possible to react at all the shit going on on screen, but its just really hard, not unfair. Also did i mention that this game is sooooo pretty and detail, like, come the fuck on, this is one of the most beautiful and creative games that i ever saw, something that can be resume by the excellent boss of this games, because yes, this games is a boss rush, and the particularity is that all of them are great. They are also run and gun level, but honestly, they are not as good in my opinion. And did i mention the music ? Did i really need to explain why its so freaking jazzy and exceptionnal?

Yes this is the best (ex lol) exclusivity from the xbox one

This games is really repetetive, and underwelming not gonna lie, plus, year later, ant his story is still not complete, a far cry, compared to the original game, even tho this games can be addictive at Time

Plus, they are not enough people by lobby, i always felt like i was alone and was playing a dlc singleplayer rather than a multiplayer

I cant believe this game, with his outstanding worlds and scores, with its absolute masterclass of a story, with lovable and expressive character, with his attention of detail push at the max exist...this games is, by far the biggest, and most ambitious games ever concieved...but i dont think that the torture that have lived the team was worth it, i am sincerely sorry for all the dev who work on it, i truly the glitch, weak start and lazy multiplayer, make this game "only" a 4 star for me

This games has the best level design in all the franchise, the best style, the best control, have so many different gameplay and has a great soundtr... nevermind its not that great actually. So yes, its the best crash game ever made...I WOULD SAY THIS IF THE COMPLETION OF THIS GAMES WASNT AWFUL! my god this games is bullshit when you attempt a 100% and the glitchies and animal section doesnt help, i mean, this games was this close of being better than warp, and it frustate me, that it was ruin by such easy thing to fix

Hope that crash 5 would correct those mistake, so we could have the...oh wait Activision has forced the team who made the games to work only for cod warzone YEAHHHHHHHHH...fuck you Activision

Ok edit cause i replayed warped recently...and you know what? I prefer its about time now ...sooooo...oops

Ok, lets get this out of the way: this is probably one of the only game ever that I passionatly hate, and so for a lot of reason

The monetisation of this game is one of the most predatory one i have ever saw in any, you thought battlefront 2 and overwatch 2 were awful about this? Well damn, this right here is probably worse, with his constant pop up and all the very expensive skin that you can only have with those dreaded robux...this problem is what make this game straight up immoral to me, and not just god awful, because, remember, lots of young kids play this, and the fact that this game is so aggresive about his monetisation, despite the young target audience it has, make roblox straight up disgusting....AT LEAST, BATTLEFRONT 2 AND OVERWATCH 2 WERENT TARGETTED TOWARD CHILDREN

also, the community is a disgrace, not because of the children, of course, but because this fucking game is just full of paedo and far right edgelord...and because the game is straight up dictated by the community, yeah, it kinda make the game fucking awful

Oh yeah, i was supposed to talk about the game itself...what i am supposed to say about it? Its just a collection of lobby, and only like 10% of those lobby are actually decent, and the rest are ...I mean, what do you expect from a toxic and GREEDY community, full of...questionnable individual, whose only goal is to make the next trending game on the website ? Yeah, i dont need to explain the average quality of the lobbies there

The only reason why it isnt rank lower is because, again, some game are like, fiiiine, and because the game builder is unironically pretty good for beginners, and finally because of the existence of r/gocommitdie...sure this subreddit is super cringe, but at least it is funny bad, and dont make me wanna kill myself...

You know what, thats what i would have liked roblox to be : a joke game, like garten of banban or fist of jesus, not a toxic and immoral cashgrab, borderline similar to a casino full of safety hasard for children

Fuck this shit, im out

This is gonna be hard to review for me, because I usually dont spoil anything in my reviews, and its a visual novel, but TLDR, despite the fact that I dont like at all visual novel, this one is shockingly incredible

Despite the really short lenght of this one, the game's story manage to be engaging and memorable, and even if, at first, the game seems REALLY simple, it really isnt

I REALLY love how the game evolve as the story progress, and when i mean the game, i dont just mean the story, i also mean the entirety of it, and the creator of this game herself

Again, no spoil, but that true ending is fucking worth the small price alone

You know what ? Fuck it, i give it 4 stars, because it just perfectly execute what it sets out to do, and please, dont let the game thinks that its simpler than it truly is : its beauty is hidden, and you will have to dig it throught to make it shine

Also, lesbanism...yeah, im just saying that in honor of one of my friend who recommended the game to me ;)

This games..has honestly some clunky control at times...and bullshit at someplace...and yet is very short and easy...but i dont care i still love this games : the visual style, the sound design, the evolution of the main character 6, the disturbing enviromnent, and the stressful moment and chase sequence, and all the variety of the big threat of this games, make it most scariest games that i ever played: yes the second games is better in almost everyway, but he hasnt top the creepyness of this boat

I played this game a long time ago, buuuut i didnt care enough to write a review about it

Like, its a call of a duty, alright, and i mean: sure, the multiplayer is better than the one present in current call of duty, sure, the campaign is alright, and sure, the sort of mission mode was alright too...but, at the end of the day, even if its one of the better entry in the series... it still blands in with over fps made at the time

I have nothing else to say, over than proudly saying that i was right by killing shepherd in the tutorial

Im sure this game is good, there is a lot of content, the game is beautiful and the soundtrack great, plus the story isnt completely trash and the games seems well balance...BUT DAMN IT THE XBOX ONE CONTROLLER HAS THE WORST D-PAD EVER : IT MAKE THE GAME ALMOST UNPLAYABLE FOR ME

I usually dont like to blame the controller for something but here, its actually true: and i dont like classic fighting game with stick, so im screwd i guess

On a side note: remember when i said that this game have a lot of content ? Well, the vast majority of it is lock behind chest to yeah, the game is build like a free to play....a free to play that cost 60 bones

Brawlhalla is the best smashbros knockoff ever: because its not, really: the system of weapon and different gimmick make it different enough and the roaster is still huge (even tho less good that smash Bros) plus the online isnt complete shit, doesnt it, ultimate ? But ok, honestly, this game had less content, less stage, whi arent really good, a laughable amount of item, and almost all the skin cost money, so thats suck, and yes the mechanic, even tho they are still good, are less exciting and precise that ssbu

Its fornite

Its ugly
Its unfair
Not polish and glitchies
With everything being p2w
A map who never change
Update who add nothing
And with broken mechanic and weapon

I still like it tho, its weirdly addictive and fun sometime

But yeah a lot of bullshit can be seen here