Before reading this : keep in mind i am super bias toward mkwii

MK8 dlx is the best mario kart. What a shock

Despite the fact that i dont have that same personal conection toward it that i have with mk Wii: i cant deny: mk8 deluxe is just...better

First off, the control: they are flawless ! MK8 is probably the most technical game on the franchise, but they are incredibly easy to pick up, and yet stay super satysfying to master: they feel incredible to use, thats it

The base game track are obviously incredible : they all look great, have incredible level design, variety, and i dont think there is a single stinker here. Ribbon road, mount Wario, electrodrome, cloudtop cruise, 64 rainbow road, big blue...they all are fantastic, and all feature incredible soundtrack. They are just good, ok?

The battle mod in deluxe is also really good: it still have a forced timer, but it has a lot of fun gamemode and Arena...but let me précise...IN. DELUXE. NOT THE BASE 8 >:(

all of that seems fantastic already, but couple that with the lackluster, yes, but still welcomed booster course pass, and some recent update (new item system) and we truly have the ultimate mario kart now

I dont really have complain here, even if i still prefer ctr nf and that i have a personal connection with mkwii, i cant deny the greatness of this game

This game is great, really....but honestly ? I thought i would love it more . Sorry, my favorite metroidmania is still super metroid right now

Obviously, there is outsanding part in this game: the exploration is even more better that in super metroid, the visual and soundtrack are amazing, the level design is decent, and incorporate element you can only access later really well, and all the location are mémorable, but idk... sometimes, the movement of the character, even if its usually really fluid, can sometimes feel a lil jank? Dont get me wrong, the game plays really well, but sometimes, it doesnt react how i thought it would be, and not in a good way

Also i thought that some boss just werent fun: too easy, too frustating, or just boring...its a minority, of course, but they drag the experience down

And yeah, even if the game usually is great at giving subtle direction, sometimes, it just doesnt, and you are just lost...

I didnt meant to bitch that much, especially because the game is incredible, so im just going to praise it now:

Ok, this game, if you avoid the lil inconvenience i listed, is just a joy to play! I really enjoy the story, the feel, and just pure fun and intricate exploration, even when i am clueless ! Like i said, all the location are great and distinct, despite all taking place on a cave, and are, for the most part, really enjoyable, with interesting enemy design, good and varied level design, and for the most part solid bossfight

This game is honestly really good, despite my little disappointment, and you should obviously check it out

How this games is still good to this day?
Ok the level design here is basic and graphism havent hold up like other mario games, and ok its a glitchie mess sometime, and yes my poor loogi have a bad time here, but its incredible that the gameplay still hold up like crazy (it even control better than Super Mario World, THERE). Of course this games isnt incredible today, but come on, i cant say its bad, its still very solid

Is this normal that this game is more original that all the other 2d Mario games, with maybe the exception of the 6 golden coins? The level design is great (except in world 3, this one can die) has the best level theme of the franchise (except maybe Galaxy) still control like a dream, has the best overvariety of powerups and way to use, introduce the map (even tho he still to alex kidd lol), and can i say that the graphism kind of hold up today? This games is still almost flawless more than 30 years later, its truly mind blowing

I have mixed reception for this one believe me, in one hand, yes, its pretty, has pretty good level design, introduce the Switch, new power up and ma boi Yoshi,has a great soundtrack and all, but...god its such a Bad sequel compared to mario bros 3: the control are heavier and clunky, its way less original, especially in the power: here the new power, if we forgot Yoshi, make you fly...thats it. The branching path in the map are less interesting (even tho the star road was introduce, that was neat i guess), the system of power up is gone and replace with a system that make you carry a item that you have collect when you have a other one and is use when you loss And yes, the level design is good, but far less original than the end, i like this games...i think, but its a weaker mb3 in my opinion

Defenetly the most overated mario games of all time to me with mk64

Come on, this games is great, everything that you can craft here can lead to a wonderful mess, or a blast for creativity, you can do a shit load of thing : you can easisly create your own mario games, did i really need to explain ?

Oh yes, this version doesnt support amibo and you cant share level online...WHY?

Here is the only great Mario games from the first half of 2010 my Friends

I mean what do you want me to say: its Galaxy, but better: introduce of yoshi in the galaxy, even more creative level design and power up, better boss because it include all the Mario Galaxy one boss, still gorgeous graphism and wonderful control. The story here is shit so we came back into the standard of a mario games. And GOD THE MUSIC IS SO GREAT HERE. Maybe not as magical that the first game, but it still a bop. Oh yeah, the second player isnt as useless here...NEAT

what do you want me to say: its galaxy 2 BITCH

Thx you for introduce us mario kart

Now, Can your bullshit with the CPU, Bad level design, meh item and your screen split in half because of hardware limitation, and crappy control can get out of my sight ? Thx u

Ok this games is of course inferior compared the complete saga, ok, it only adapt the prequel, ok if you dont care about completion, this game is painfully short and easy. Ok its just a simple beats and up and platformer kids games. But its my first video games ever...and objectively a great really : the number of character is insane, as the number of different gameplay and other content. The levels are great and the boss fight...are a jock, but a really fun one...oh yeah i just remember: This games is oddly funny, like i cracked a smile in almost everylevel, and come on, you know its great its fucking lego star Wars...DAMN IT

Avoid the gba version tho...i really mean that

This games is nuts : great track with great music, introduce bike, tricks, 12 player and funky Kong, has the best roaster of the franchise, controls great and his a lot of fun in multiplayer...but yeah thats because the item balance is bullshit...but thats what make it special (plus mk64 was more bullshit About that THERE) the games is...kind of ugly too noy gonna lie, unlocking everything is a fever nightmare and the battle mode is trash, no doubt about that, but there is a reason why unofficial server was create especially for this games

This games is really repetetive, and underwelming not gonna lie, plus, year later, ant his story is still not complete, a far cry, compared to the original game, even tho this games can be addictive at Time

Plus, they are not enough people by lobby, i always felt like i was alone and was playing a dlc singleplayer rather than a multiplayer

Its funny that the first new super mario bros still feels as the most original games in the séries: it introduce the forest and rocky Land(ok we are sick of it now, but it was a cool addition at the time) power up...who are more gimmick that useful not gonna lie ( i dont want to say trash) New level design Idea like flipping Gravity, riding a wiggler, or swiging at rope. The moveset of mario was also updated with some move of the 3d games and the control are still great. I dont think that the music and graphism was really good, it was fine for the ds and thats it, but overall, a great games

This is gonna be hard to review for me, because I usually dont spoil anything in my reviews, and its a visual novel, but TLDR, despite the fact that I dont like at all visual novel, this one is shockingly incredible

Despite the really short lenght of this one, the game's story manage to be engaging and memorable, and even if, at first, the game seems REALLY simple, it really isnt

I REALLY love how the game evolve as the story progress, and when i mean the game, i dont just mean the story, i also mean the entirety of it, and the creator of this game herself

Again, no spoil, but that true ending is fucking worth the small price alone

You know what ? Fuck it, i give it 4 stars, because it just perfectly execute what it sets out to do, and please, dont let the game thinks that its simpler than it truly is : its beauty is hidden, and you will have to dig it throught to make it shine

Also, lesbanism...yeah, im just saying that in honor of one of my friend who recommended the game to me ;)

This games..has honestly some clunky control at times...and bullshit at someplace...and yet is very short and easy...but i dont care i still love this games : the visual style, the sound design, the evolution of the main character 6, the disturbing enviromnent, and the stressful moment and chase sequence, and all the variety of the big threat of this games, make it most scariest games that i ever played: yes the second games is better in almost everyway, but he hasnt top the creepyness of this boat

I cant believe this game, with his outstanding worlds and scores, with its absolute masterclass of a story, with lovable and expressive character, with his attention of detail push at the max exist...this games is, by far the biggest, and most ambitious games ever concieved...but i dont think that the torture that have lived the team was worth it, i am sincerely sorry for all the dev who work on it, i truly the glitch, weak start and lazy multiplayer, make this game "only" a 4 star for me