I can't not love this game. Definitely not for everyone but if it clicks with you it really clicks.
I love how the re-use of the maps throughout the game shows the town becoming more warped and strange over the course of time.

If you pretend the rest of the games don't exist the story is actually pretty good in this one.

Relentlessly charming. An amazing game for all ages.

A sequel that somehow manages to improve on most of the original.

The main complaint I've seen is you have to finish it twice to get the whole story but this game is so good I finished it like 5 times in a week.

I've heard this described as a great story with gameplay that's not for everyone and the standards for game stories in 2011 must have been extremely low. The story doesn't come close to working at any level.
The puzzle gameplay is genuinely fun though. For like two weeks after I finished I was seeing everything in real life as if it was a tower that I had to climb.

They did my boy Roland dirty at the end there.

It's just not the same game as the original!!

Homestarrunner is great but not all of this game really hits.

These games just eat your time

The enemies don't ever respawn so when you finish a level it just becomes an empty dead patch of land for the rest of the game. Very weird.

This taught me disappointment when I was young.

Really does not hold up compared to its sequels