I don't really understand the point of having 8 stories that are so disconnected.

This game is great in so many ways but it's very disappointing there isn't really a proper epilogue.

Massive improvement on the ps2 version

Great art and designs, good writing, and characters really brought to life through a talented voice cast and charming animation.

If you pretend the rest of the games don't exist the story is actually pretty good in this one.

A David Cage style game that doesn't have its head up its own ass. A fun game and story.

I think I would have a more positive view of this game had I not 100% it first time playing. The main story missions are way higher quality than the many hours going around barren planets, walking down identical corridors, and trying to sort the stupid inventory system.

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Definitely want a sequel or something in the same vein as this. As the game stands there are some issues with progression and the final payoff is weak as you don't have a proper showdown with the villain.

Those guys in the last palace are called Fokkers because they'll fok you up.

Story's not great but everything else is.

This game is very dumb. It gets points for being funny.

When I finished this game I told myself to never forget how aggravating to play it is, no matter how nice it seems in art and concept.

Controversial opinion but the additional buttons and improved interactions make this game far smoother to play then the original. No more messing around in menus every single screen to equip your sword, your gloves, the roc's feather or the running shoes.

Nice presentation but the original release of this game is clearly unfinished. The updated release might alleviate some of this but I have no desire to return to it.