Had a unique tie-in mechanic that made Ages and Oracles' plots continuous with one another. Whichever one you beat first gave you a code you could use to continue your adventure in the other game as the same Link. Another standout in the 2D zelda franchise.

Played the adventure RPG mode as Link, actually super fun.

Had a great time with it in the beginning, then the novelty kinda fell off

Loved the worldbuilding of the original, but the slow grindy pace of exploration and battle was difficult to overcome, I didn't 'get' the gambit system in the original version, and I didn't get immersed in the plot. Got stuck on the zombie dragon due to poor inventory management and no save to return to. Returned to Zodiac Age as an adult and really enjoying it so far.

Good lord the original Final Fantasy games sucked. Even as remakes! Haha. 2 especially had amazing design ideas, and absolutely bombed the execution, with the most forgettable characters of all time. The one amazing thing about these games is how incredible the music was, with some of the greatest compositions of the entire series that are still used today already present even in these primordial games, like Matoya's Cave.

Got stuck on a boss after release, but that was before I figured out the FromSoft systems and beat my first Souls game. I'll pick it up again and complete it, I'm sure.

As a child I got stuck on Jabu Jabu's belly. Came back to finish it as an adult. Iconic game, deserves its reputation.

Got lost in modding and never completed it. Whoops!

Didn't finish it as a kid, wasn't a huge fan even though the Aeon designs are fantastic. I picked up the remaster and was disgusted by what they did to Tidus and Yuna's face models, and wasn't captured by the world, story, or game loop, though I do appreciate the battle system. I'm sure I'll finish it on stream- having a backseater to prevent me from missing secrets without pouring through spoilery guides would improve the experience.

I honestly hated this game. Unfun, boring story and gameplay, don't get the hype. Forgettable.

I love Job and Sub-job character advancement systems, with skill learning to boot. I really want more games with battle systems like this. Finding interesting build combos is one of my favorite activities in video games.