442 Reviews liked by Yakeri

Truly a wonderful game. On many aspects it manages to be better than his successors. The exploration is absolutely great.

This game is an absolute masterpiece. Nice story, good characters, perfect artstyle and music. Still very funny nowadays, it's one of the best point-and-click adventures of all time. Strongly recommended.

Monkey Island is Monkey Island. The game is wonderful, but the remastered is not that great. The remastered musics and the voice acting are nice, but I don't like the new artstyle and I hate the new design of some characters. Luckily, it is possible to choose between the old and the new graphic whenever you want.

One of my favorite games and the best point-and-click adventure of all time. This game is perfect: funny humor, good characters and story, beautiful artstyle and music. It has the BEST, most shocking ending of all time. It's a total must play, obviously after the first game of the series.

A very underrated game, probably because of his childish-looking appearance.
The story and the characters are very nice and lovely, although the main quest is very easy. The world is beautiful, with many explorable areas. The musics are all very good. The combat system is perfect and the class system is very good too. There are a lot of subquests and other things to do and the DLC adds even more to this big game.
Strongly recommended, don't let his appearance deceive you.

My favourite Zelda game for sure. No other game gave me the same feelings.
I haven't played the N64 version yet, so I can't compare the two versions, but I absolutely recommend this one.

Nice game, although from the fifth night it begins to be a bit frustrating.

Very nice game, with a great gameplay and good music, artstyle, story (and humor). If you want the best experience, play it with a friend.



Very nice indie game, with a unique atmosphere. It's very short but absolutely worth playing.

A truly wonderful experience, this game will have a special spot in my heart forever.

Totally a unique experience and a must play for Switch owners and Zelda fans. Still, it has some problems, such as a too empty world, but you can forgive these lacks.

(Ngl actually very sad because Tingle was not included as an NPC)

This game is a glorified pedometer with the Pikmin aesthetics. It's not that good

Short review:
Ok, I just want to share a little thought about Portal. It is useless to discuss how perfect it is. One of the best successful experiments in videogame history, whose potential is squeezed to the core in its sequel, but it is clear that the first is absolutely no less.

What I really wanted to focus on was my interpretation of events. I have never heard anyone say this, but as soon as I finished the game I had this feeling: the story of Portal, although very simple, is a kind of representation of the Stockholm syndrome. The character of GLaDOS is an explosive concentrate of humor, wickedness and passive aggression, and as much as you can hate her as much as you love her, throughout the course of events, I never really had the idea of eliminating her. Being in the shoes of Chell, i.e. alone, locked up in a laboratory and not knowing how and why I am there, my only guide is an AI who sees me as a disposable laboratory rat, who cares absolutely nothing, but at the at the same time without it I would lose my only point of reference. And that made me grow fond of that evil voice. A different affection from the simple thought: "Man, I love this character". We pass from hatred to a sense of total loss due to her absence, so much that we ask ourselves "what now?".

Yeah basically I don't know how to finish this review so if you are still reading, Still Alive > Want You Gone ok bye



After two years since the beginning of early access, the 4th effort of Supergiant Games, authors of Bastion, Transistor and Pyre, has finally arrived on PC and Nintendo Switch, entering prepotently in the Olympus (for real) of the rogue-like genre and demonstrating how even this type of games can in fact show a strong narrative component, well integrated with the gameplay.

This is a rogue-lite, a rogue-like but with the presence of permanent unlockable bonuses and upgrades that allow the player to get more and more powerful in the next runs. The protagonist is the god Zagreus, son of Hades and prince of the underworld, who will have the goal to escape his father’s kingdom and rejoin his distant relatives on mount Olympus, in a quest that will lead him to rediscover himself and his origins.

Although I should discuss the actual gameplay that defines the work, we’re talking about a Supergiant title. So, I’d like to emphasize the art and the music of this game. EVERY single detail, the animations, the fluidity of the effects are maniacally curated, and every single frame is a painting by itself (Jen Zee is extremely talented btw). The soundtrack is a masterpiece: Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett deliver the peak of their work. Eurydice’s charming voice forced me to put down my controller and just listen to her song almost every time I entered her room.

What makes this game worthy of becoming a cult is the incredible work behind both narrative and the gameplay formula. Hades offers a fun, satisfying, adrenalinic gameplay in which the player will fight and travel through the 4 dungeons in Hades’s reign, using 6 different weapons, each one with its own moveset and upgrades (“aspects”), while Zagreus will bring with him “keepsakes”, that he will get creating relations with characters and will allow him to gain bonuses, along with other upgrades unlockable with “darkness” (one of the game’s currencies). In every room of the dungeon there are, among other rewards, “boons” by Olympus gods, that vary depending on every god’s personality and branch. The choice of how players want to face a new run is up to their strategies and style of play. About the narrative side, Hades debunks the “story is pointless in a rogue-like” myth. It represents a huge step forward, with an amazing cast of characters, a ridiculous amount of dialogues and a lot of side quests that will take at least 150 hours to gain 100%.

In conclusion, this is my GOTY 2020.