Best EA game in years. It has a LOT of mistakes, but it's an important step on the right direction for sure.

Pathetic, for the time being. If even Battlefront II on the hands of EA was able to become a good game, there's still hope for Cyberpunk.

The thing I hate the most in a game is wasted potential, and Bioshock Infinite is a gold mine of buried potential. For the first half of the game you encounter all these new gimmicks, weaponry and enemies that made me SO amazed, but after that it becomes an repetitive torture of doing the exact same things. There's nothing new. The story push forward, of course, and don't mind me I loved the story, but honestly the gameplay was so much more for me. It's a pity things turned out this way.

Most of the time can make the player feel they're not doing any progress despite their desperate attempts to make things go differently.

But still a bit fun game.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is at it's best a interesting driven story by two siblings who are ready to take over the world entirely alone if they need to. It's also a plot-predictable with decaying writing that makes it loses itself.

Entertains, obviously, but does everything else obviously as well. Many weak spots after half the story, seeming only bland. Awful boss fights.

Still I can't deny how incredible half of the game was. Ferocious energy all over the place. Good job.

Life is Strange was a game that had a heavy impact on my teenage years. Watching E3 and realizing that this was not Life is Strange 2, but yet a mediocre game with half-baked ideas they weren't going to use in the actual sequel made me absurdly sad.

It's so good that It's hard to believe this is from Bethesda.

Elden Ring is a great game.

Stepping in Lands Between is like walking in a living painting, these foes are absolutely vicious, and minimally curated to fit perfectly in the story.

I've played both on PC and Xbox One, and I can say that despite the graphic difference being indeed big, both of these platforms run the game pretty well and it looks astonishing.

So many memorable moments and characters, so much incredible stuff happening all over the place – and the plot twist. Oh my fucking god. What the fuck was that?!

I had so much fun in this game, but the thing is, a lot of the fun I had so far was, in fact, comprehending and understanding the story. Honestly, that's my favorite part of every FromSoftware game. But this one, with the plot twist, probably has my favorite story of the FromSoft games.

Well, with that being said – what the fuck happened to the balancing of this game?

The endgame difficulty in this one is ridiculously unmatched, where you can still get 3-hit-killed by Malenia while she heals 35% of her HP, even though you're overleveled at +200. (The usual point that people stop leveling up is 120).

It's a game with so many beautiful mechanisms and different sets of gameplay, but it certainly doesn't encourage the player to embrace different playstyles, but rather aggresively forces them to use the same broken builds over and over.

I've beaten this game two times so far, both characters with +100 hours. Despite liking this game so much, I don't see myself going back at it as much as I went to Sekiro, or even Dark Souls III.

Elden Ring is a great game, its bosses are amazing and so incredible to fight against, but having their movesets going for your entire healthbar, instead of doing it the fun way of their moves being unpredictable and actually hard is pretty lame.

don't care what anyone says, for me this is the best pokemon game period.

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Devil May Cry 5 is one of THE BEST games Cacpom has ever made. It has almost everything on point, the combat is fine tuned to perfection, the action is simply spectacular, the characters (specially V) couldn't be more entertaining, but it HAD to fuck up at one moment. The story.

The story is absolute trash. Except for the Nero storyline, everything else is horrible. V is a far more reliable and amusing character than Vergil and what do they do? Simply conduces him into a disgusting dissolution that he's Vergil.

But still, this game works really well. Specially if you use the "live action cutscenes". Actually, with that it gets even better.

Fuck you Capcom.

Unfortunately this became a sex toy for people who can't simply enjoy things.

If you turn your back on death you will only see the shadow it casts. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice takes you onto the true and pure madness, if you believe Senua's reality is twisted, you must also accept yours might be too.

Hellblade will not have mercy and its crushing atmosphere will haunt you in a never-ending chain of despair, suffering and torment. Those nameless warriors who are keen to dwell into Senua's mind, can only hope to not lose theirselves.

No gods. No kings. Only darkness.

This is the game that I have most played in my entire fucking life. I cannot rate it. It's simply impossible.