Harry Mason the realest one to ever do it
(great game despite some jank. legitimately just play its good as fuck!)

Overbloated with way too many worlds (which is fine, to an extent) and effects (this is annoying). I understand this game is a collaborative effort, which is great, but I think that's what leads to this game's downfall-- it lacks a cohesive theme. It just has way too much going on compared to Yume Nikki.

I shelved it after getting 19 of the 36 (yes, that many) effects. Maybe I'll return to it someday, and hopefully, my feelings will change, but for now, I just didn't really enjoy this all that much.


surprised to like this more than the original yume nikki. this was my first "dip" into yume nikki fangames, and wow, this did not disappoint. so far I've only gotten the leave ending and wow I'm excited to see what the rust ending is. lol is a master at depicting the "gross" side of dreams (or, i guess here, nightmares).

Genuinely just the best DMC game even if 3 is my personal favorite. Fucked up how Dante has the worst theme in the game tho

also i teared up when v's pigeon died :(

overall a really fun game. i played this after i played dmc2 so as one could imagine it was like a breath of fresh air. nero is great, dante is as fun as ever and the story has some of the hypest shit ever (I'm looking at you, "Dante uses the Yamato and gets Darkslayer and its so fucking COOL" plot point)

But at the very last second. The final, FINAL piece of gameplay fumbles the bag so hard I was in tears. What the fuck man. It was so good. The fuck

Overall uhhhh I Want Kiss Vergil Still outta 5

(played on nintendo switch)

turnabout bigtop was so bad it made me shelf this game for about a year. pearls is goat tho + the final case is kino

I think the most upsetting thing about this game is that really tries to be edgy but falls flat. But, hey, at least the writing is funny and it's not too long.

Specifically did a mono- normal run of this game. Despite the plot of this game being so. Not good, I still think the battles in this game are peak Pokemon.

(Also, no, I don't know this game took me so long to complete.)

Despite everything, I still love Danganronpa.

do i like this mainly out of my childhood nostalgia for the diamond? yes. is this game perfect? no. do i care its not perfect? no. i love pokemon.

surprisingly very good and also very, very hard for a newer pokemon game. also its pretty and i want to gay kiss volo to make him normal

i abandoned this at the final mission because i realized: regardless if i finished this game, i know i don't like it.

this game is so bad. i wish i didn't waste the 9$ dollars on this trash fire. like, the first game has issues but at least the first game was competently made and had a drive behind it. this just feels like a mindless cash grab. thank god itsuno was able to direct dmc3, because yeesh even with him stepping in this game is bad.

I'm glad this game is playable on modern platforms for achievable sakes at least.

tl;dr-- dmc2 goat *giggles

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average floridian day simulator

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you ever get the final area of a game and realize without even finishing it yet you know its going to be a 10/10
yeah that's me with this game
It's simply so good. Combat is rewarding, and even against annoying ass bosses (like Nevans, for example) or enemies (The infernos and The Angels. THE ANGELS. GOD. FUCK THE ANGELS.) it balances out because it's simply just so damn satisfying to defeat them. I don't know if that's a good thing, but, man, I don't care. I think the best thing this game has is that it's pure fun. Dante's fun -- both with how he's written and portrayed; and to just play in general. The gameplay is fun. The game is just a good time.

Having only played the first one, this is such a step up in quality and atmosphere that it's almost shocking (and, there's also DMC2 but... lol). I love this game so much. It's simply so fucking good.

Also, something something, I want to fuck Vergil, something something.

Edit: Just finished it. I fucking love this game so much.