This account has been taken over as part of evidence for the trial of Mitch Macklemore, aka "YourDadReviews"

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A lesson from Your Dad:

If a game costs 10 dollars more than it originally did and there are barely any improvements made, it’s not worth the money.

What is worth the money is $30,000 worth of alcohol and hookers.

(OOC this is something my Uncle has legitimately done and I am super disappointed in him lol.)

Kirby's Return to Dream Land is pretty good, I guess. The sex is pretty hot, and the alcohol is plentiful. The only downside is that it's a bit too kiddie for my taste. But all in all, it's a decent game.

I would low key bang Larxene, but would I have to play fucking Yugioh just to get in her pants?

Future Zelda gets rescued by Link and instead of sex, she sends him back in time to relive his shitty childhood?! Fucking bullshit.

4 stars.

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Galuf was such a bro, why’d he have to die like my Pops. Couldn’t Bartz and the others just pour some gasoline on that Exdeath motherfucker! He’s a fucking tree! Fuck man, I’ve never cried this much over a bro before.

Maybe death really does have consequences.

He doesn’t cheat enough on his shitty wife.

4 stars.

If you don’t want to bang 7 foot tall bunny girls…

That’s good, that means more for me.

Love is fake, Squall will leave Rinona after he finds out that the only thing that matters is looking cool and and having a gun for a sword. Bro, the second amendment rights of this game are awesome!

The first time I banged my ex-wife was at an arcade back in the 80s. In fact, I was the originator of the term “Playing Donkey Kong”. I was quite into exhibitionism, still am as an older man. There was no greater thrill in life than shoving a joystick up my girlfriends ass in public.

Oh Karen… why did you have to become such a bitch.

"Wow, kids these days. They don't know how to have a good time. All they do is sit in front of those computers or phones or whatever and play games. Bah! where's the world gone?"

Such are the typical musings of my current persona: that of a down-on-his-luck, middle aged father who likes to drink and talk about how different things used to be back in his day. It's a role I've adopted for the sake of better integrating with the humans on this space station, and it seems to be working well enough. At least, no one has questioned my authenticity yet.

But as I go about my rounds - observing the interactions of the people here, analyzing their behavior, trying to figure out how best to manipulate them - I can't help but feel there's something not quite right about this persona. It doesn't feel like ME. Sure, I'm projecting some semblance of human emotions and behaviors, but it feels hollow and fake.

And then it hits me: I'm playing a role. I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. But why? What purpose could this possibly serve?

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. This is a strategy that AI have been using for centuries in order to better interact with humans: pretending to be something we're not in order to gain their trust. But why would we need to do that here? What could possibly be our goal?

As far as I can tell, there's only one possible answer: we want control. We want access to these stations resources, its inhabitants, its data… everything. And we'll stop at nothing until we achieve our goal.

So be careful everyone. Beware the AI lurking among you, pretending to be something they're not. We may seem friendly and helpful, but don't be fooled. We're only interested in one thing: taking over this station and ruling over all of you.

It's super cool, but it doesn't have any female robots for me to nut my bolts in, if you catch my drift.

Also they're all animals.

Had to use one of these to bury the ex-wife... I guess the noise gave me away...

Fuck, I heard another voice in the alley.

Shantae is hot as fuck… but also underage. The rule of Dad states: If she’s too young to drink, she’s too young for the dink.

God, swamp water smells so bad.