What a ride this game was to experience this game was to play. I have never played a game that kept me on my toes like this.

Story: I am not going to spend too long on this one because this is a game that I feel any way I say it I will not do the game justice, and it one of those games that part of the fun is figuring out what going on in the story.

Gameplay: The gameplay of this game is divided into tower defense strategy battles and a visual novel for the adventure mode. Both are well done, and the game balances it out well so one does not take over the time.

Platinum Experience: I honestly was not expecting to plat this but it was an easy experience. The only thing is that I played on casual because of some of the trophies requirements but most of the trophies are not hard, recommend going for kit for trophies/achievements hunters.

Conclusion: 13 Sentinals is an experience that will leave you wanting more, and questioning many aspects.

When you think of a Persona spinoff you would think of something like a dancing game or a fighting game, not a muso. This was a gamble that was taken, and it was done well.

Story: Following the story of Persona 5 vanilla (sadly not Royal), the gang gets together for summer vacation, which unholds is an adventure that is packed with fun. The story of this game is simple though it works so perfectly, due to it being summer vacation. It feels like the story went y in a breeze, and that was the point of summer for all of us tend to go by in a breeze. The story delivered perfectly.

Gameplay: Now this being a muso I will state this, I never tend to play these types of games but did that tender my enjoyment of the gameplay, no it did not. I feel like the gameplay is the weakest but it not due to the combat (even though I did rage at times) it the fact that there this sameness in the game. When I mean by the sameness it follows a formula explore the real world, then go to the dungeon, rinse and repeat, and at first it is fun but it did turn into a slog for me at a certain point.

Music: I know I do not mention music a ton in my reviews but Persona gets an exception because it just "chef kiss" perfect in all ways. I was able to get the bonus content for this game, and it comes with the soundtrack, and man all the songs snap during it.

Sidequests: So for sidequests in this game the requests come back from P5, and I did not do all of them but about the 30 and I did I will admit they can be fun. The thing was when I got to a certain point in the game I was at the point I was done doing requests because these can overwhelm the player in the latter half. I plan on going back later to hopefully finish them off.

Enjoyment: Strikers is the summer vacation that with the right set of friends it can be an experience and or summer vacation that is unforgettable

What can I say about a series that is is so great that this first game has its up or downs in it that make it worth the ride.

Story: Starting with the story, the first Cold Steel game has this thing with it more of a world-building game, than a more focused story game. With this being the first in a new arc Falcom (the developers) are into wanting this world to feel alive. Within a series of trails, the world is everything because of how complex it is. That is why I label this as more of a world-building game for the arc ahead.

Side Content: For side content, it is like how I said with my CS4 review the side content in this game is well done. Trails side quest can have some bad padding at times but in the end it worth doing it because it builds the world up in a way where the game makes it worth doing.

Platinum Experience: For going for the plat I had to play this game two times due to some stuff that can only be gotten on a second playthrough (also had to beat on the highest difficulty). The highest difficulty is not that hard until I say the last 75% but in the end doing it was worth it because I love this series, even having to deal with some bullshit fights I say that is an achievement in itself. Also, this game has a lot of missable collectibles so I would totally recommend a guide if you want to complete it

Enjoyment: Trails Of Cold Steel is the first in a series that shows great promise going into it.

Trails Of Cold Steel 2 is what I would consider an upgrade from Cold Steel 1. With Cold Steel 1 it is an introduction to the whole state that we are in the first game (and the cast of Cold Steel in general) with that done Cold Steel 2 gets into the meat of this arc in trails, and it holds no punches. The story of this game is gripping, even though the pacing can be meh at points when trails do side quests well they do them well. The battle system saw an improvement with some unique stuff that only in this game (like overdrive), that makes me sad that they were not brought back for future installments but it makes the system unique with being able to just have one of the series have the mechanic. Overall though the end to the first part of the Cold Steel series, and shows the strength of this arc.

I had a funny feeling whenever I got around to this game that I would enjoy the updated version more than the PS2 version.

Story: The best way to describe the story of FF12 (other than obvious Star Wars jokes), is a political determination. This FF is the most politically driven story told in a game. It can be slow at points but is it gets captivating when it gets to a point it captivating.

Gameplay: This is best described as a single-player MMO, and at first when i tried to play this many years ago is that I did not click with me however the ZA changes a lot to where this gameplay is not so bad like it was. The new class system makes it so every character has their own role and they stick to it, and it makes swapping out characters all the more useful and tactical. This version has a turbo mode which is a very nice addition, I used it probably 90% of the time except for bosses and so on. The only issue with the gameplay is if the gambit setup is great then it basically makes it so you never really have to do anything except for emergencies. Also, the quickening is the get out of jail free cards in a fight.

Music: I will say that FF12 has an ok soundtrack, it has some of it dud but some of the tracks (like boss fights) are A+.

Sidequests: So I did most of the sidequests in this game up to a certain point because I did get a slight burnout in the end and I wanted to b lined the main story to the end. The sidequests in this game I divide into two sections the hunts and actual sidequests. The hunts were the most interesting side stuff to do in the game because it was basically the challenge that I got because the story is a bit too easy so all the hunts that I did challenge me in the end. the actual sidequests were ok but I would not say that they were not engaging as much but I do want to go back, later on, to finish up some side stuff.

Enjoyment/Last thoughts: FF12 is the most diverse FF, and is definitely worth a playthrough. 7/10

What a game this was, I went through the journey of going through all these games in the year 2020, and I will miss this series so much.

Story: It, not all the time games get me to cry but this one did that many times, the story of this game is incredible (at certain points more than others).

Gameplay: Like every CS game the gameplay is well done, combat is enjoyable (though can be easily exploited with the right build) but overall is what I want in a CS game.

Side Content- This game has the most side content out of the Cold Steel series, with some great, and bad ones. Minigames are back (like VM), and let just say the minigames were not balanced well in my opinion that it made me glad I did them all in my first playthrough so second playthrough I am not requried to do them for a plat run.

Conclusion- Trails Of Cold Steel 4 delivered for all that it did well, and followed through to what I felt was a fantastic finale to this saga.

So when thinking about No More Heroes, this was a good time in the end deal.

Story: No More Heroes follows Travis Touchdown on his way to the top, In the end, it is a very simple story through and through, and it structure was simple to follow in the end, I love the wackiness of it, and going through it was a blast with all the heavy story games I been playing.

Gameplay and Sidequest: I always take sidequests as a high for me because I like to do as much as I can in a game. but the sidequests in this game are fun but get a little tiring. In between main story segments, you have to do these sidequests to make sure you can move on, and in the big picture there is a lot to do the problem comes from there's like one main side quests that get you the most money, and the repetitiveness of it can be hard to just get into. For gameplay it basically hacks and slashes with a lightsaber, I played this with a pro controller on a switch, and it is not bad because if I was playing with motion controls I think I would get tired very easily.

Music: I will say the music in this game is OK, nothing really stood out to me (except for a couple of songs), but that fine I think the gameplay makes up for it.

Last thoughts/Enjoyment: No More Heroes is a fun little game with some janky stuff but overall worth a playthrough if you can get the humor and grindiness

This is my personal game of the year 2021. I had to start out this review by saying that because I adore this game it is one of the best that RGG has put out, and it is worth the 100+ hours I spent on it.

Story: For starters, I like to state that this game deals with some heavy topics, so keep that in mind, and at the beginning, the game is very good at stating the heavy topics that are involved. It, not every day a story has me questioning everything I think is right or wrong, this story is one that I say goes in with an open mind, but expect to be very invested in it. Usually, when I do Yakuza style games I try to do as much side content as I can, while I did do some during the main game, most were done after the main game cause the story was pulling me in the further I got and since this was a global release I did not want to get spoiled. In this case, the story is a gripping one with a few missteps along the way that do not take away from the experience.

Gameplay: I will say with every dragon engine game that has this action style combat RGG knows how to make improvements, and boy is the combat smooth in this game. Going from LAD to this made me feel right at home, and showed how much I miss this style of combat. I always have a heart for the turn-based style combat but there is just something totally different when doing the action style stuff of Yakuza games. But then there flops to the gameplay, the new mechanics were not very implemented in a good way. Parkour was very nice t have but could be finishing at times, and then there the stealth in the game. I am not going to beat around the bush the stealth in this game was not my favorite stealth. I am not a stealth type of player, but in some cases, I can tolerate (like this game), but I think that it can be improved for later entries in the series if we get them.

Music: Ah the music in this game is just perfection. There are going to be tracked in this game that I will be listening to for a long time afterward. All the boss themes were bops, and are worth going back to listen to on their own.

Sidequests: So the main beef of this game is its side content. Most of like I said earlier was done post-game cause I wanted to get through the story to avoid spoilers. Let m just say this game is loaded with side content I spent 60 hours after beating the game to 100% because the game is just that big. They are school stories which in its own sense is another game in this game, it has so many activities in it that I would say take 10-20 hours alone. Side cases are still very good but I think they had more duds in this one to me. All the minigames are good, some are frustrating but that Yakuza, the climax battles have made a return to which are known as the gauntlet in this, and I had to do some (thankfully not all) to get the plat. When I say this game is loaded it is loaded.

Platinum experience: For the plat for this one, it is typical yakuza. Getting 100% including skills, side cases all shops, city, and school missions involved. I am glad I got this plat, and I plan on doing it again when I redo this game on the ps4 version but I will say if you're going to go for it do another alongside it. When I mentioned the gauntlets earlier thankfully not all were required for the plat cause tose were nerve-wracking to the point where I just got very lucky in the ones I needed to do. Plat requires 2 playthroughs to one on the highest difficulty alongside the initial one.

Overall thoughts/Enjoyment: Lost Judgment builds upon what its predecessor does while also showing how mechanics need to be reworked if they do ever decide to come back. 9/10

Going into this game I did not expect to have a story that was this good but the gameplay falls short.

Story: This game story is a strong point due to its gripping tale of a murder mystery. This game had me on the edge of my seat with its gripping tale, and at times I went thinking "What just happened". In the end, I think the story satisfied me. The voice acting though was well done, and the cast did wonderfully

Gameplay: In contrast to the story, the gameplay fell short for me because I think some mechanics were just implemented wrong, and some of it was just absurd. There are some trial and error moments in this game that was just not done well, and in the end, gameplay fell short for me. The environments in the gameplay sections I enjoyed exploring through.

Platinum Experience: This is taking place inside content as there really is no side content in this game, and the plat in this game is not too hard. The only thing that can really make it hard is some collectibles that are related to some of the trial and error things that I have described. Other than that it an easy plat that I am glad to have.

Conclusion: AI is a well-designed story with some poorly designed mechanics that can make a good time go bad.

This game is really fun but as I'm playing it is 11 years and it some of the designs of the game did not age well and it shows with the game itself (some of that may be because I played through PSNow and it is not the best streaming service). Still a really good gem with some issues.

One of the best out of the Persona series. The story, characters, music is all so fantastic and lives up to what Persona does well. I would even go as far as to say that I like the main social aspects more in this than Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal.

The one con with the game is the dungeons. They are not as good as Persona 5 but that is to be expected. Some of the nearness of the dungeons can be simple at times and welcome but in a jrpg that is about 50-100 hours then variety can be a nice thing.

Overall though I was happy I was able to experience this with the PC release back in 2020, and It is one game I would recommend if wanting to get into the Persona series.

GTA V is an experience that still holds up 9 years later. The story of this game holds up well with some of its aspects, and some parts got me stuck, however, this is a very accessible game. When I mentioned the accessible aspect of this game that got me through some of the games the skip section on missions if you were to fail up to 3 times, made going through the game easier. The gameplay is usual GTA-style gameplay nothing new there. I did most of the side content in the game (as I had 83% of completion of the whole game at the end), and I plan on going back later for 100% in due time but some side content I am not looking forward to doing. Music is very good for the licensed music that is in there, and while some of it did not catch me in the end most of the songs are good from what I heard on the radio. It was fun to finally be able to beat this, and it was worth the playthrough.

The trails series over the past couple of years have become one of my favorite JRPG series out there. Trails in the sky FC has always been one in the series though I have always been off and on to though sadly. This is mainly due to the pacing of the game, I would say almost half of the game is just setting up the world that is Librl itself which in some cases it helps out in long term for the world itself. Once the game sunk in I was invested in everything that Librl had to offer. There is also the Evo patch which I used, and am using for all the sky games that add VA, and it adds depth to all the characters that I do not think would be there if I was just reading it myself. Combat is very enjoyable, when not fighting the controls to target enemies, and get positioning right. The soundtrack has its own bops that I was jamming out to. Overall Trains In The Sky FC is a slow start that gets a payoff that is worth it for the slow start.

Trails never disappoint in the stories that they tell. This game compared to FC was so much better because this was the execution of everything that FC set up, and it was beautifully done. The only thing that falls off with the story is some chapters felt like they were in there to help I guess pad out the game a bit. The characters were all fantastic (Kevin is now of my favorite Trails characters ever). The combat is about the same as it was in the first game, but this game introduced the chain attacks (which are like the link attacks that later games established). The music was fantastic all the way through, and that is always good for a JRPG. In the end, I came in expecting grander, and I came out with the fulfillment of the joy that this series brings me so much.

This series has roped me in time and time, and this game is no exception. In the west now we are getting the missing piece that this series in this duology of games, and I could not be happier. After going through the Sky series earlier this and jumping onto this one I saw how improved everything was.
Combat runs smoothly (just like Cold Steel games), with the biggest takeaway is moving a character around the field in battle was far smoother than it is was in the sky games. As for the characters, all were wonderful. I went through the whole Cold Steel series so I know about these characters from that arc, so that helped a bit when getting into the motivations of the characters. The music was A+ with a shoutout to Incredible Struggle as it is one of my favorite Trails songs now. The one downside of this game is its plot, I was not in it as much as other Trails games. For it is the first in an arc that is not surprising because a lot of setups happen. It is not as bad as Sky FC because of the moments that made this game and having some of the returning characters helped. I just found myself not very invested in the plot, the characters were a very main reason why I kept going.
Overall though it is a very great start to this duology, and am looking forward to Azure next year 8/10