thinking of the butterfly effect had this been the mario 2 exported to the rest of the world

such a shockingly solid improvement over the first one that i will reserve my list of 20 nonsense characters that only me and two other losers at the Yonge street BMV demand for the third one

psychological warfare and i'm undecided if i respect it for that

hour one: cool, they put the amazing three in this

hour four: cool, they put ego death in this

Some of the nicest atmosphere to be found on the platform and some of the worst everything-else in your way from enjoying any of it. Cryin' shame status.

softlocked for petting the dog

They don't make em like this no more. Commitments to uncanny concepts, gags and gross-out humour crystalizes Double Fine's strengths. It's also about 60s counter-culture being a failure and devolving into the FBI, which is EXTREMELY funny. Full review:

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gave my imaginary murder wife a chris meloni dumptruck ass

sometimes to create a fighting game like no other you just gotta make 100 design decisions that don't make a lick of sense

jeff vandermeer's super monkey ball

So is there like a Geek Squad Ed and Lorraine Warren in the Mullins-verse handling all these demonic video games

if rinse dream made garry's mod

the road to true godliness is full of save scumming and tiny little perverts

about as frightening as the Werewolf Bar Mitzvah skit and frankly just as fun

just like Majora’s Mask it’s Nintendo effectively using the garage sale parts to make something inventive and memorable. and like real life its one big flaw is I often find myself waiting on my hater to move past certain milestones.