34 Reviews liked by ZeikkuSSJ7

pedro sanchez esta fumigando a las gerudo, ha introducido el crack en los barrios goron, esta echando fluor al agua de los zora y los rito estan sufriendo todo el peso del calentamiento global


If it wasn't for this game, I wouldn't be the niche internet microcelebrity that I supposedly am on Twitter.

If it weren't for this game, I practically never would've been the person I am today.

I owe my life to Persona 3 Portable, and I am thankful that I played it.

i liked it much more on a replay


i was reticent about the series starting again with a new protagonist after kiryu but holy fuck i love ichiban

Fun, but can't believe anyone actually beat this on an arcade

It's a perfect recreation of the high school experience, complete with that one friend who's really homophobic for no apparent reason that makes you look back and think "wow that guy really was a massive cunt why did I hang out with him" except everyone is homophobic including you

I clapped when Ashley became a Kamen Rider

los diferentes puntos de vista de lo que puede significar ser un heroe

Honestly, the US instrumental version of the main theme is way better than the Japanese vocal theme. Fits the whole space western motif way better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkI2-r7PkLY

I'm sorry dog, I just can't. I don't like having to change equipment for every boss. I don't like hitting enemies for 1 or 2 damage until my combo ramps up and I can start maybe hitting it for actual numbers. I don't like having everything come to a screeching halt every two seconds because somebody's casting a spell. I do not appreciate arbitrarily placed invisible traps that only exist to make me cast a slow-ass spell every time I walk into a room. None of the systems in this game give me any satisfaction or joy. Fiddling with inventory crap is almost universally my least favorite part of any game, and Vagrant Story perfectly represents to me the issues with difficulty in so many RPGs. Show up with the right gun and fire the silver bullet, or prepare for abject misery. The only choices are the right and the wrong, and even being right still feels like shit. In my experience, I have found defenders of Vagrant Story's gameplay to all be operating under the same misunderstanding. Something having depth or it being difficult to discover, does not actually make it fun. The complexity of Vagrant Story does not, in any way make it a more enjoyable experience for me to play. It just makes it even easier for me to have a miserable, god-awful time by entertaining any of the fifty thousand ways to play it "wrong." Even if you're doing Vagrant Story "right", it is so stop-and-start, so infuriatingly slow in each of the wrong ways, so loaded to bear with stupid block puzzles that even the game's fans don't seem to actually like, that I am adamantly convinced no teacher in the world can help me learn how to enjoy playing Vagrant Story.

The writing however, is something else entirely. As is typical of all these Ivalice games, it is stellar. The dialog here is immaculate and carries the same type of maturity present in Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics which is so uncharacteristic of the rest of the medium even today, but especially for in its time. The most impressive thing about this whole game though is the honest to god cinematography of its cutscenes. The introductory section is absolutely phenomenal and feels like a genuine feature film, in a way that not even Metal Gear Solid does. It's such a pity that I find it hard to enjoy playing through this even with a supercharged, action-replay powered character. Even when making the combat as painless as possible for me in this way, on a second playthrough, just trying to navigate and traverse Lea Monde is so fucking irritating to me that no amount of optimism can show me a good time. If I felt like being even more inflammatory, I could call Vagrant Story the worst metroidvania I've ever played, but even if every second of gameplay makes me wish I were dead, its writing and cutscenes absolutely demand my respect.

A complete, long and full of content hackrom. A very simple mix between the original Zelda formula and a semi-open world with Metroidvania nuances. Functional but not remarkable, in fact in some parts the game lacks clarity when it comes to knowing or even knowing where it is supposed to go.

It has good ideas for both puzzles and dungeons, and although its story and script are rather bland, its textures leave a lot to be desired, and the entire game lacks bosses, it is very good for a hackrom.

haven't cried this hard to a video game

el cambio a RPG da juego a muchísimas cosas que le vienen como anillo al dedo a la saga
los minijuegos, las secundarias, la nueva ciudad, el humor, los personajes, la música y la historia están a la altura de los mejores de la saga

este juego es una campaña para concienciar sobre los peligros de las sustancias psicodelicas disfrazada de shooter sobre railes