Tepid puzzle adventure game that ultimately boils down to a superficial sight-seeing tour of pretty but soulless environments.
+ generally great-looking realistic graphic style with a few caveats: poor close-up textures, frequent clipping, and a lack of individuality
+ classical piano- and string-based soundtrack that accompanies every step as pleasant ambiance
+ no difficult hurdles to delay progression
- clunky controls hindering the constant platforming
- crude level design with a main path that is either too open and empty or overly narrow with invisible walls
- uninspired hidden collectibles
- not the least bit of interesting story or lore to be found
- wholly unsatisfying conclusion

A modest exploration game that delivers exactly what the title suggests in a wonderfully charming package.
+ straightforward premise in a small open world filled with amiable characters
+ many noticeable movement upgrades
+ cozy presentation from visuals to sound
+ neat collectibles and short side quests that encourage straying from the main path
- ugly pixel filter enabled by default
- no narrative, technical, or emotional depth

One-of-a-kind FPS that utilizes its core mechanic of "time tied to movement" to great effect and — for better or worse — can be beaten in less than 2 hours.
+ uniquely satisfying gameplay aided by the visible projectile physics, quick retries, and cool success-replays
+ interesting meta narrative with a distinct sense of humor and an ingenious albeit annoying marketing scheme
- some frustrating enemy spawns
- very basic art style keeping levels from being memorable
- disappointingly limited scope for such a novel concept

Passable exploration game that does nothing particularly special but earns a little praise for being technically competent, relaxing, and utilizing the joy of flight.
+ vibrantly atmospheric lighting that elevates the otherwise generic polygonal graphics
+ suitable open world consisting of many sky islands
- fragmented lore and trivial story making it hard to care about progressing
- elementary puzzles and platforming
- several unclear objectives padding out the short playtime (2-4 hours)
- poor soundtrack of mind-numbing ambient noise in caves and aggressively unoriginal music outside
- no emotional high points like similar games have – and a really anticlimactic ending

A controversial visual novel with serviceable gameplay and a decent narrative behind it if one can stomach the incredibly perverted writing.
+ great main cast with colorful personalities and memorable character designs
+ straightforward but reasonably engaging and often amusing plot
+ large explorable world map that visualizes the journey's grand scope
+ decent, mostly upbeat soundtrack
- strong tonal whiplashes between the usual bright atmosphere and some abhorrent events
- generally mediocre visuals from low-quality models to inconsistent illustrations
- very basic yet imbalanced turn-based combat that frequently necessitates grinding even when played perfectly
- many gratuitous sex scenes whose inclusion of violence in particular will turn off most people

Immensely fun gameplay held back by almost every other aspect of the game.
+ exhilharating swordplay supported by an unrestrained dash mechanic, useful abilities, and decent gunplay
+ great OST and satisfying sound design
+ vibrant graphics whose one major flaw are the ugly character models
+ appreciated if somewhat broken addition of multiplayer
- unchanged self-aware, immature humor that is very hit or miss
- random loot with stats and crafting offering some customizability at the cost of diluting gameplay
- procedurally generated and constantly revisited maps with only three significant asset packs
- badly written story that is short (only 13 quick missions), relies on the first game to make any sense, and seemingly has no ambition to provide a meaningful or even complete experience


Initially awesome open-world exploration game that suffers from overambition but still provides a worthwhile journey.
+ intriguing fantasy desert setting with a lot of alien structures and cultures to discover
+ simple and short story that delivers its theme of finding purpose in freedom excellently
+ unique art style with little to no shading and shifting colors to make for constantly changing impressions
+ light environmental puzzles and decent collectibles strewn about just right to fill the map
+ well-thought-out movement mechanics in climbing, gliding, and driving that are built to fit the world (and not the other way around as is often the case)
- overly restrained soundtrack with a couple amazing songs being hidden in favor of unremarkable ambiance
- clunky physics most noticeable on the essential bike
- terrible performance as well as frequent glitches of all kinds

Very charming if basic dungeon crawler that is great to play while watching or listening to something else on the side.
+ bright and colorful presentation befitting the series
+ reasonable main story length (12-15h) bolstered by substantial post-game content
+ many quality of life improvements over the original (far from perfection, however)
+ enjoyable albeit luck-based Pokémon collecting
+ manageable difficulty with divisive but purposeful auto saves
- immediately repetitive, cheerful soundtrack
- superficial story that plays out in a formulaic manner
- cheap animations with noticeable clipping
- often frustrating AI that ruins runs and disincentives the otherwise comfortable auto movement
- terrible input lag

Technically well-made collect-a-thon that just doesn't do much to modernize the formula its obvious inspirations used long ago.
+ tight movement and abilities with a steady stream of upgrades
+ decent if unremarkable visuals
- immediately forgettable story and cast
- low enemy variety with often frustrating hit boxes
- mediocre world design that leaves no strong impressions
- aggressively unfunny writing particularly evident in cutscenes where dialogue can't be sped up

Intentionally repulsive horror story that is bound to leave a strong impression of some kind.
+ clever use of perspective shifts that make one try to understand a twisted mind and maybe side with "evil"
+ effectively disgusting visual and auditory design selling the psychological main theme
+ beautifully haunting soundtrack
+ short playtime with few but impactful decisions to make
- not gratuitous but still disreputable scenes of explicit sex including violence
- overall unimpressive writing even considering the unique premise and moral depth

Remarkably fun and polished tactical gameplay held back from excellence by mediocre writing and divisive presentation.
+ amazing combat animations making encounters an enjoyable spectacle for a long time
+ solid map designs with great variety and strategic depth
+ decent protagonist in spite of the incessant worshipping
+ vibrant and largely practical hub area (excluding the separation of two important facilities)
+ surprisingly well-integrated summoning gimmick that doesn't rely on nostalgia alone
+ more systems for completionists to play with even in post-game
+ visually appealing if contrived world map
- unambitious story that plays out in a frivolous manner (albeit with steady improvements)
- many overdesigned character models that have a certain appeal but forsake cohesion altogether
- no paired endings for anyone other than the main character
- drastically stronger new units making old ones gradually obsolete
- poor resource economy due to small rewards and several traps
- disappointingly written character interactions (generally a couple minutes of insubstantial dialogue between each pair in total)

An excellent remake and one of the most content-rich games in the franchise.
+ comparatively fun story progression that often gives the impression of an actual adventure
+ large variety of noteworthy Pokémon to catch even before the post-game
+ still fairly simple but polished graphics making each area have a distinct atmosphere
- poor balancing in the second half with an insanely overleveled and yet unsatisfying final boss
- multiple barely represented Pokémon types in the early game

Intricately made CRPG that may not offer a strong-enough hook to justify spending the required 100+ hours on a single playthrough.
+ interesting large-scope premise that mixes adventuring and kingdom management
+ remarkable number of tweakable settings to adjust gameplay
+ near infinite build customizability with decent enough suggestions
+ pretty and clean UI
+ pleasant soundtrack
- one-dimensional characters who barely get a backstory or development
- simplistic story that isn't told in an exciting way
- often frustrating combat due to convoluted skills and low hit percentages

Well-rounded SRPG built on a solid gameplay foundation and guided by an interesting story premise.
+ great skill stone mechanic that enables unit flexibility and is satisfying to progress
+ reasonably challenging difficulty with accessible ways to grind
+ charming characters in both design and personalities
+ unusual setting that blends history and fantasy well
+ frequent animated cutscenes between stages
+ uniquely melancholic soundtrack
+ a small amount of side and post-game content
- some visibility issues in spite of the rotatable camera
- tiresome early antagonists who just won't die
- several slow animations that repeat constantly

Technically marvelous and narratively engaging walking simulator held back by a few questionable design decisions.
+ remarkable graphics with beautiful lighting that make for many screenshot-worthy vistas
+ melodic and diverse soundtrack that strongly enhances the atmosphere
+ interesting mystery uncovered through approachable puzzles
+ a couple unexpected fantasy moments
- out-of-place horror section toward the end
- mediocre ending that potentially requires backtracking
- fundamentally poor progression locked behind hidden items