Take everything you liked about Dark Souls 1 and make it even better. Love this game, hate prince Lothric

The gameplay loop to get the true ending is more grindy than automata, but 100% worth the play for the story, characters, music, and of course, the pain.

Something that really proves video games are its own medium. The way this game tells an absolutely depressing story through stylish combat, shifting perspectives from 3rd person action to 2D rails shooter, and using multiple play throughs of beating the game to slowly piece together the story. Unforgettable. Make sure you get all the way to ending E.

What if Arthur Morgan fused with Kratos and Buffy the Vampire Slayer?? Confused?? me too! Still had fun though!

It's me and my dog against the world

Now I understand why shinji won’t get in the robot.

Absolutely nonsensical story in the most anime way possible but the mecha combat and customization was so fun that it saw me through the jump rope of a plot. Fun game to get on sale while you wait for armored core 6.

This review represents the entirety of FFXIV, not just a realm reborn. Same goes for log hours.

The pinnacle of “it gets good after 40 hours”

FFXIV is the only MMO I can consistently play and enjoy. It’s amazing to see the dedication a team has put into this after all these years and the game is just constantly getting better. The job system and character creation is great, and it’s an awesome single player experience too because of the games focus on story. That story focus though means that if you really want to enjoy the weight of the later expansions you need to start from the beginning with a realm reborn because the story continues all the way through. A realm reborn isn’t horrible, but it’s nowhere near as good as the later expansions. I respect it for what it is, and I wouldn’t tell anyone to skip it. They’ve also trimmed a lot of fat from the expansion with patches and updates.

The longer you play the game, the more you will appreciate it. It’s easily the most time I’ve ever put into a game solo and with friends.

Surprisngly fun game. Basically cyberpunk diablo with guns. Really blown away by the art style and level of detail in the environments. Only thing that gets annoying is fast travel could have been better implemented because theres lots of back tracking and walking to do, but at least the backgrounds are so nice to look at while doing so.

Reject modernity. Return to (jazz) monke

Never did I think I'd tear up from someone telling me to throw it back.

The art direction and visuals for this game are ridiculously good. Love seeing the way the scenes shifted perspective as it went on.

The combat however, was too ambitious and too inconsistent with its weird parry timings that it was just frustrating with the hordes of enemies past chapter 3.

Game is best experienced on easy mode and treated as a beat ‘Em up so you can actually enjoy the visuals and get to the end.

It’s fine, the world is big and beautiful but the weapon durability system got on my nerves a lot, and the story is pretty nonexistent without doing side quests to fill in background. It changed the gaming world but the game itself just didn’t wow me.

taking "eat shit" to a whole new level.

Fun little roguelike, the cult simulator aspects were more interesting than the one dimensional combat to me, and the art style is excellent. worth it on sale.

I’ve put down and picked up Genshin many times but the gacha system just isn’t for me. The art style is beautiful and I appreciate the way that combat works with elements and synergy in a large open world. But I just can’t get into the concept of rolling for characters and hoping you get it done without having to spend real world money and constantly having to manage all the upgrade systems and currencies.

if you just want a classic turn based RPG that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel this is the one. Pretty good with colorful art and goofy but sweet characters.