Much better than expected, the design of "using a lantern to switch between the world and the spirit world" is great, and the concept of focusing on combat rather than narrative also makes me satisfied at the moment. But there are significant downsides: the map looks a bit messy, with too many elements. There are too many enemies on the road, and they lack character. All in all, it's not bad.

Rockstar sacrificed some gameplay and controllability in exchange for a full cinematic experience and an extraordinary biography of Arthur Morgan. Most of the time, I am against the trade-off. The immersive experience of visualization is not what games do, it's what video works do -- if I play games to get lost in the story, why not watch a John Ford movie? But Red Dead Redemption 2 got it right and were not out of balance. Some of the details are too realistic to feel a little uncomfortable, but the overall is acceptable.

A few complaints:
1. Camera position switching was confusing at times, dialogue inexplably crossed axes, and there were a lot of meaningless bird's eye view shots.
2. The wide frame changes too often, as a sign of entering the fixed narrative phase, it's hard not to get noticed.



Recommended by a friend to contact the "Uncharted" series. Uncharted 2 is the first one I played.

I love the Uncharted series, the ending is perfect, but there are regrets, I wish it could not end here, I want to play more ah. 😭

many of the fourth generation scenes are still used

I don't remember much of it, except for a few moments: 1. Drake maked a long climb up the ladder. 2. Drake was thrown out of the plane during the tussle. 3. The final location appears to be a strange, hallucinogenic world.