Extremely fun arcade game. Very simple controls, it has a lot of charm.
Matches basically revolve around who can get the powerstones first so that you unlock this powered-up form of yourself. It's up to you how you manage that. Use items that randomly spawn, use the environment and throw stuff, attack the opponent directly. Stay back to wait for a powerstone to spawn. It's really just a fun game. I enjoyed it a lot. I highly recommend it.

Okay pac-man type of game. You have to color the entire stage, as you're playing a brush.
The monsters are faster than you, so if they end up chasing you, you're done. This can feel a bit frustrating. The only way to get rid of them is to hope they go into the path of a roller and that you can reach the roller in front of them to crush them.
It's a short game, 6 stages, but there are multiple paths. Each stage has a pokemon-like animal which you can collect and it gets saved in a collection list.

It's a good turned-based tactics game. Some maps feel like puzzles you have to solve. Patience is important, you have to plan your moves carefully or you'll easily get overwhelmed. The AI can be exploited a bit which helps (it hates APCs and transporters).
Music is pleasant. Sound effects are adequate.
You get multiple characters with their own ability and pros and cons. They all can use the same units, but each character gets its own bonus/debuff (better/worse close range/long range).
Some maps have a fog of war, which makes you unable to see the enemy on the map. I really dislike these kinds of maps as they reward trial and error more than careful planning. I often had to restart on these maps.
Another big gripe is the length of some missions, the final battle in particular took me one third of the entire playtime of the game (9h 30 minutes for the final battle alone, the game took me around 27 hours in total including the tutorial). The tutorial is also around 5 hours, but they are pretty close to actual missions so it's fine.
Overall, I recommend it. Just be prepared to restart a few times

Really difficult, but really satisfying. I loved this game.
It's pretty forgiving with the save points, each stage has multiple checkpoints and it will save your highest health that you had when you reach that checkpoint. And some are right before the boss of that stage.
It uses the hardware to its full advantage with rotating stages, 3D buildings, throws in some shmup stages. It controls beautifully.
Definitely recommend this one. Probably one of the best run and gun games you'll find.
It's short, around 3 hours and 30 minutes on normal (at least for me). Probably shorter on easy. This game is clearly made with replayability in mind as it has a high score system.

Feels really good to play. Great atmosphere and sound design. It takes a while until you get some fun modifiers for your weapon. Runs don't feel that different from each other. You're constantly unlocking permanent weapon traits so you're always progressing something even if you die.
Bosses are a spectacle, difficult at first.
Took me around 20 hours to get to the credits. I recommend a playthrough, was pretty fun.

It was ok. The biggest flaw is the lack of a map. An in-game map would make this game so much better.
For a gameboy title, it's very impressive. It controls well enough, the level design is pretty good, enemies are just okay. Music is atmospheric when it's there. Good for the hardware.
I played the colorization which looks really good.
I definitely recommend playing this one with a map. I just can't stand wondering around not knowing where to go.
Camera can be a bit too close, but it seems like the game usually takes it into account, you're not really making blind jumps.

Great game for its time, still a really good game for today.
The shooting mechanics are still very good, level design is fun, enemies do their job providing a target to shoot.
Not much music there, it relies a lot on atmosphere and sound effects.
It has built-in save states (quick saving and quick loading). It is instant so it makes it easy to keep going, they can be easily abused.
I really recommend going through this game if you haven't already. Absolutely worth it.

The recolor is beautiful. The controls feel a bit weird, but you get used to them. It has unique enemies I haven't seen in any other mario game. It becomes a shmup for some reason. When you get hit and you have a power-up, you turn directly into small mario.
Music is pretty good for a gameboy game.
Takes around 30-40 minutes to beat. But if you're not careful, you might quickly run out of lives and have to replay the entire game, but since it's so short, it's not a big deal. The game is pretty generous with lives though, at the end of each level you can get up to 3 extra lives if you time a mini-game correctly.
It's a pretty meh entry, mostly because of the controls. Play it if you're curious.

It's a very fast racer. Sensitive controls, touching the wall or anything can make you go all over the place. There is a button dedicated to reorienting yourself forwards, but that keeps you in place for a bit.
Still, it's pretty fun for what it is. It suffers from slowdowns unfortunately. I tried overclocking the emulated cpu, but then after the final race in a league the game would bug out so you are pretty much stuck with performance dips. It's not too bad, but it makes a difficult to control game even harder.
Sometimes luck plays a big role in winning, you never know when a CPU decides to throw a "blue shell" your way and ruin the race.
Overall, I enjoyed it.

It's picross. Not sure why it's Mario's, there are hardly any mario related pictures in it.
It's lacking any QoL. When you complete a number in a row or column, it doesn't get marked.
While it's possible to finish the puzzles without guessing, it does get very difficult. Some of them take up to 1 hour for me(especially starting with the time trials). Maybe I'm just bad. I stopped after 7 time trials.
There are 256 puzzles in total. They get more difficult as you progress. First puzzles will only take a couple of minutes or less, then it ramps up.
Not sure I can recommend this one, when there are so many more picross games. Nothing wrong with this one, and I was curious how it was, but it's probably a better idea to start from the newer titles and go backwards so you don't get burned out by playing the old ones.

This is a very good game. Really short and just the right difficulty. You can always continue if you fail, you have passwords for each level. Graphics are great, music is great, platforming feels pretty good. Donald walks a bit slow I guess, but I got used to it.
There are some heavy slowdowns at some points, but it's manageable.
Highly recommend a playthrough for this one.

Pretty good. I liked the cutscene direction, the animations, the music.
Unfortunately, it has some of the worst dungeon design I've seen. They are just long.

The action combat is almost great, but the balance makes it just good enough. You end up spamming so many potions because of the ridiculous damage you take. The game knows this and gives away money and puts shops in the dungeons to make sure you're always stocked. I really liked how seamless the transition is from combat to exploration. The enemies just appear and disappear, no battle transition.
Once you get a bit into the game, you can easily break any encounter using aoe spells or buff abilities.

The voice casting is surprisingly great. I loved hearing Steve Blum as Zegram. There are other big names here too like Yuri Lowenthal. Pretty good dub for a game of this time.

I don't regret playing through this game, but it could have been so much better.

Short arcade game. Definitely designed to take all your money, it has some really nice visuals for the time(detailed backgrounds and character sprites), great music and very difficult gameplay. Often feels unfair. Thanks to infinite continues though, this is a fun little time waster.

It's got an unusual ultra wide aspect ratio(I think it's 24:9). Basically 3 4:3 displays.

It's a mixed bag. The story, atmosphere and voice acting are excellent. The game is worth playing for those alone.

However, the game part is very clunky. Combat never really feels good. Boss fights are gimmicky which is okay since the combat is really not very good.
Level design is confusing and it's easy to lose your way.
Many, many, too many box puzzles. They even throw respawning enemies in box puzzle rooms which gets irritating.
I hope the sequel is better. I plan to play it eventually.

A point and click adventure on the game gear. Extremely short. Around 1h 30 minutes. There are a couple of funny dialogue lines, but there's not much here.
Some weird puzzles here and there, I ended up using a walkthrough.
Combat is very limited and consists of literally rolling dice. The weapon you have determines how many dice you throw when dealing damage.
Safe to skip this one.