Best story I've played in a while. I didn't enjoy the gameplay very much so I just put it on the easiest difficulty, but the presentation is very impressive. I feel like my mind has been fucked and I loved it.
If there is one game I'd love a tv show adaption of, it's this one.

A really fun and short visual novel. Takes around 2 hours.
The soundtrack is very good, the music fits every scene and for the runtime, it's got plenty of tracks.
Not difficult at all and I'd say it's impossible to get stuck, but I really enjoyed it. I recommend it if you like games like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa.

Really good game now. I haven't played it before when it was supposedly buggy, but now it feels polished enough. There are still some minor bugs, but nothing major or game breaking happened in my playthrough.

There are dialogues with multiple options that lead to different outcomes. There are multiple ways to approach combat, stealth, hacky, loud. The most fun for me is going loud, the shooting mechanics feel very good.

I actually liked most characters except V. Something about the way he speaks doesn't sit well with me(subjective, I know). I kind of wish the whole game was played from Johny's perspective, I really grew to enjoy him and the sections you play as him.

Quest lines are deep and pretty lengthy. I kept getting myself intrigued by them. They felt worth my time to me.

The city itself is also beautiful. Will come back at some point for Phantom Libery.

Only thing I don't enjoy is lore being told through messages/notes. I don't like that in any game. Maybe it's a me thing, but I don't like to stop reading 1-3 pages of text for a bit of story/lore. I like it when it's presented as a conversation. (I don't like audio logs in general either).

I do recommend this game. Story and gameplay warrant at least a playthrough, BUT I actually recommend having a quick look at what you need to do to unlock the secret ending so you don't find yourself locked out of it(like I did). Seems to be the best one and it's a... well, secret.

Activating combat mode.

I really enjoyed the main story for this one. The cutscenes are very good, however the most impressive ones are low quality FMVs.(I guess it couldn't be helped since it comes from a PSP game, they probably don't have higher quality versions). Everything is voice acted and you can choose japanese voices, which I prefer. Cutscenes are also lip-synced to the japanese dub.

The combat is simplistic and starts to get repetitive. So does the combat music. But the story-music is fantastic.
There's a materia fusion system which, if used properly, can get you pretty overpowered for the main story(I got something like +270% HP for example).

It's pretty short when focusing on the main story(around 12-15 hours).

There are A LOT of short optional missions. I only did some of them until I got some good unlocks(like materia, accessory slots, summons and a few decent accessories).

I recommend it. It's a nice game.

Conflict resolved.

There are many new enemies added, I enjoyed fighting all of them. I started on Show me resolve, then bumped it up to Show me Courage then put it back to Show me resolve. I found myself having a pretty easy time with resolve, but actually dying and having to run multiple times with courage.(maybe skill issue?)

I liked the story aspect of it too, at least the parts related to Kratos. I didn't really care about the Valkyrie's stories which are always paused in-between runs. By the time I finish a run and the valkyrie can continue the story, I've lost interest.

It was a fun 10 hours for me. I wouldn't have minded paying 10, max 20 euro for this, but it's free so that's even better.

Good game. But very short. It took me a bit over an hour to finish the main levels. Then you can keep playing the same levels with some challenges added.
You need a decent amount of space to play it. I recommend it on a very deep sale.

This game was amazing. Such a nice surprise, one of the best souls-like ever made. It's comparable with any of Fromsoft's releases. I really recommend this to anyone who is a fan of the genre. Just outstanding gameplay, weapons, music, bosses, level design. It's very polished too, haven't encountered any bugs. The camera was rarely an issue. I want more. Looking forward to the sequel!

A short and fun experience. Controls feel a bit weird until you get used to them, but when you do, the game is over(the main campaign at least). Takes just under 5 hours for the main story and there are some side challenges.
Voice acting is good, I wish there were more set pieces. But overall, a good time. Just buy it on sale, it's not worth the full price.

It's a good game. But it's just breath of the wild part 2. All the issues BOTW had, TOTK has them too. Shrines all look the same. No real dungeons. Weapons break often. Combat is identical. I feel like I've already played this game.
For the new stuff, I don't really like all the building stuff. The sky islands feel tacked on, not really a big part of the game.
I played around 29 hours, Beat the Wind and Fire temple and stopped during the Water temple. I didn't explore very much, only upgraded my armor a couple of times and I'm getting one shot by constructs in the water temple. Not fun. I'm envious of people who can enjoy this game and call it their GOTY, but it's just not there for me.

A fun power fantasy. Shooting mechanics are good and satisfying. Telekinesis feels awesome. Levels are a bit repetitive, before going in I thought it would be procedurally generated but they're not.
Worth a playthrough. I played through all the difficulties, but after you learn that the grenade launcher is overpowered, game becomes quite easy. Still fun. I recommend it.

I had fun with this one.
Gameplay is excellent, many weapons and parts so you can build the armored core of your liking. You can get quite overpowered with the right build.
Story presentation is kind of lacking. I didn't really care for it. It's told in radio calls and messages and you never see a human, just mechs. That's fine though, the gameplay makes up for it.
You have to do multiple playthroughs to unlock all the missions. It's nowhere near the level of what the Nier games do with new game+. I would have preferred it if all missions could be done in one playthrough. You end up repeating a lot of the missions.

It looks good. Animations are good. Battle system is ok, very simple and easy.

My biggest gripe is the fade to black transitions. They are everywhere. Before the beginning of any cutscene, change of characters, walking through a door. It's used everywhere when possible to avoid actually showing an animation.
Second gripe is the backtracking. Feels like a lot of time is being wasted backtracking, especially in the first area you visit(which is also the largest, making you think the game is bigger than it actually is).

I think I would have enjoyed this more if it did either a fully original story, or fully committed to retelling the anime story. It tries to do both, but does neither very well.

I can only recommend it to one piece fans and even then, it's hard to recommend this game. It's most of the time boring with some good bits here and there.

Best 2D mario game since New Super Mario Bros for the DS.
It still shares some DNA with the "New" series (most evident in the bowser jr. boss fights), but there's many different things here. Animations, enemies, power ups, music are all wonderful.

The online was really well done, you see ghosts of other players in realtime, they can leave a standee in the level and when you die, if you touch either the standee or a player within 5 seconds, you get back to life.

Pretty easy overall, except for some of the final levels. 100% completing this game is a joy, highly recommend going for every wonder seed and all secret exits of a level. Play until it has a checkmark in the level select.

A masterpiece. I loved every single second of it. Took me 26 hours to platinum on the spectacular difficulty and that's just perfect.
The presentation is outstanding. Insomniac Games are wizards.
The story is really well done.
I'm looking forward to what seems to be DLC teased.

This is just an ok game. Not great, not horrible. Combat does its job, but it has some problems.
Each enemy is weak to a weapon (not weapon type). You can only equip 2 weapons at a time, so you have to pause the game, and change the weapon if you want to take advantage of a weakness and don't have the weapon already equipped.
Similar thing with spells and elemental damage. You can equip 4 elements, but there are 6 so sometimes you need to pause mid-combat as the game mixes enemies often. I really dislike this.
Story is also just okay. There are multiple endings, the 'true" ending is the most satisfying one. The most interesting is the "audio books" which tells the backstory of your party members. Acting is good, I recognized some voices(japanese) from anime
Boss fights are meh. Pretty easy to exploit their weakness, except for the final bosses. Those were a bit more difficult.