Great game, really fun gameplay + interesting story. Got me into the resident evil franchise

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Since its October, aka Halloween, its only fair I re-vist what was my entire personality, and I think this game, along with RE7 will probably age the best out of any of the other games in the franchise, and while I might be bias for this game (ahem the fandom) but I think people were too harsh on this game simply because after the masterpiece that was RE7, everyone had massive expectations, (added with the Lady D / Alcina hype train..) so of course some people, if not solid chunks of the RE fan base found it "disappointing". People who DID enjoy this game on the other hand, had a whole different experience. The amount of effort people have put into fan art, reviews/video essays, fanfictions (some more questionable than others), animations, fan songs, and more was pretty insane but quite fun. Even today it holds a solid, if not slightly more dead fanbase. I wouldn't consider it "dead" per say, it's just not the most mainstream thing ever. Pretty much every character in this game is great in their own right, witch I didn't think was even possible. The story was to me the best part, I was so invested in it, the first time I played it I finished it in just two days. For context, I haven't actually sat down finished a game, let alone been that invested it in it since like 2017. While linear, I didn't mind the easy puzzles or weaker areas. I think the plot twists were a tad unnecessary but that's just capcom I guess. I don't exactly get most complaints people have with this game, because it all comes down to "its not re7" witch its pretty stupid. The game time was fine, sure it could've been a hour or two longer (like Donna' or Miranda's sections, or hell even Chris'.) I think expecting it to be any longer is braindead, since no RE game, esp not in modern times could be that long. The direction this game took was great, and it makes me sad that this is the Winter's family end. Sure, the dlc was okay, but I wish capcom did add more dlc like everyone asked (begged) them to instead of focusing on the one billionth remake. (that being the RE4 remake, not to mention that RE4 holds up perfectly so there's no need for a remake) I'm not sure if I'll ever enjoy another game this much (and also RE7) so hopefully when the next mainline game comes out, it's at least on the same level. I also think the combat and a few other things needed more work, but I guess nothing's flawless at the end of the day, and I could understand if you didn't like Village, I'll still either way be filled with nostalgia when I hear the RE8 save room music one day.

Never thought a farming sim could be THAT good but here we are

Ever since dusk I've looked for a fast paced shooter, and this does the job pretty well. The enemy variety is pretty lack luster though. And so is the level design. This game is still in progress (I think?) and for a indie game its good enough for me to pick it up and play for a few hours so I consider it pretty good.

they made my boy ramon salazar look like a drag queen

died more times in the first 10 minutes of ada's campaign than in an hour of dark souls

too hard for me personally, still a great game

This game was made was made during the more "actiony" era of the resident evil franchise (aka re5 and re6) with this game bringing back the horror, and it balances horror and survival/action alot better then i thought. the enemy designs are grotesque and eerie, the atmosphere is dim and scary, and mostly liminal. While it does feel less spooky because your with Parker most of the time, the game lets parker drift away from you and let him be in one area so you can be on your own during the more horror focused bits. The story is quite mediocre and average, with one sided characters that lack any real depth, and a confusing story that at the end of the day dosn't add anything apart from a bit of content to re5. The rush mode is fun, even if the combat in this game isn't anything special. The enemy variety also sucks. Still pretty good for a spinoff, but not anything all that special, either. As I write this I plan on playing resident evil revelations 2 as well so.. If your into the re spinoffs and don't know where to start, you should probably pick up this game, you might have a pretty fun time with it.
Edit 23/10/2023 I finished the game and holy shit were those last few episodes chaotic. pretty average but fun game, needs more content though

while better then the first game, in terms of gameplay, story and just about everything, this game still lacks something. im not sure what, but it feels like the entire game is latching onto all the old ideas while the new ones feel not executed well enough. playing as moira and nath is boring and no fun, and the game forces you to constantly play as them. The majority of the gameplay feels oddly overused quite quickly, and the game desperately is trying to get you to feel something for the characters as flat as Moira and Nath are. Alex Wesker is criminally underused, she had so much potential just to barely even show on screen. The way you unlock the good ending is really weird too. Im going to play the dlc and I'll see if those are good. Solid enough RE.
Edit: turns out you have to play as Moira and Nath for the dlc and they're both not worth playing. Sucks.

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the horror focused theme is great, theres not much to say about this game thats not already been said. the survival horror reboot idea was more than needed after RE6 and RE5, so im very glad this game exists. the only re game to actually scare the living shit out of me, defo gonna play the DLC as well. i still feel bad for not saving zoe ngl

not finished with the game yet but i really like the part where the ring is elden

great game, I love all the details from hypnospace. I loved everything about hypnospace when I replayed it half to death and back in 2021. The shooter type gameplay works, and reminds me of classic doom, worth your money if your into those classic type fps games