sometimes the game just closed out of nowhere, it is annoying but not a big problem if you are used to save the game frequently.
The story is just perfect, really fun and interesting
the game mechanics are nice
the bugs (like getting stuck in a staircase) are also a little annoying, because of them and because of the first problem i wrote i didin't gave it 5 stars.
definitly a game worth playing

i played the hell out of this game, it's not perfect, the story could be longer, when a enemy die he becomes jelly (actually i think it's pretty fun but a lot of ppl don't like it) but i simply love it,the story is interesting, the characters are cool, you can just kill everyone or kill nobody. I did almost 100%of the game in the ps4 and i'm playing again on pc to finnaly get that 100%

yeah this game is very....meeh but i got 100% out of it anyway. I really love call of cthulhu and the story/the design got me interested at the game.
some characters could have more personality and the combat is lame but in general it's an ok game.
wait for a good promotion to buy it

a good horror game with a macabre design and a sad history.
it´s rather short but the price is not too high soooo fair enough

perfect, this game is just amazing and deserved the award that it received.
good history, good soundtrack, good graphics, so detailed and there are pratically no bugs at all.

i loved this game, mastered it on my ps4 and now on my computer.
it is a history-based game about Alex, a girl who goes to an island with her friend and new step-brother to meet some people there and have fun! Except it is a horror game so things don´t go exactly as planned.
the radio (you will understand if u play) and dialogue dynamics are fun.
it is a short game because IT. IS .MADE .TO .BE PLAYED .MORE. THAN. ONCE.
yeah your first playthrough affects your second and etc

with the exception of some dialogs (mostly at the beginning of the game) that don't make much sense, i enjoyed it.
graphics are good, history is good

SPOILER (kinda):
the only character that i did not have nothing against during the hole game was Andrew. John and Angela are SO fucking annoying, Taylor keeps being a bitch for a good portion of the game and Daniel is an ass during the prologue.

the eternal happiness ending bro :((( that was sad af

i played this a while ago so i don't remember everything but i do remember that i didn't like the monsters, the majority of them were not scary to me and being scary is something important to really enjoy a horror game/movie. luckily this varies from person to person, i'm sure that other people found it more frightening.

i have great memories from it and was hyped af about when i played years ago

the story is fun, the combat is fun but there are problems with the progression of the game that are REALLY bad.
There are moments in game that you have to wait for characters to call you in order to complete missions and after patch 1.31 THEY JUST DONT, THEY DONT CALL and you have to make X thing for it to work and progress on the mission and when you are trying to master the game this is reeeally a problem.

loved it, especially house beneviento

love the game but the "seriously" achievment is a pain in the ass